Korean International School, Hong Kong
- from 4
- to 18 years old
25 different nationalities
- from 93400
- to 131700
800 students
Founded in 1994
The curriculum is based on and teaches beyond the National Curriculum for England, providing students with both a local and international perspective. The curriculum offers tight benchmarking, is highly transferable, and is recognized throughout the English-speaking world, allowing students to easily transfer to and from British, British International, and English medium schools worldwide. KIS provides challenge, offers opportunity, and entrusts responsibility, expecting in return from its community a commitment to achieving personal excellence, building transferable skills, and developing a global outlook.
Extra curricular
Explore new hobbies, make friends, and have fun after the school bell rings! Our After School ECA offers a wide range of engaging activities to enrich our learner’s day. From arts and crafts to sports, coding to cooking, there’s something for every interest.
The ECA program at KIS provides students with a diverse range of enriching activities beyond the regular school day, with the key objectives of encouraging active participation in physical, creative, and intellectual pursuits; promoting the development of important life skills; supporting students’ social-emotional growth and mental health; and fostering connections between the school, students, families, and the community.
Open to all students in Reception – Year 12 (*Year 13 can still join for Term 1), the ECA program offers a variety of sports teams, individual sports, fitness and wellness activities, as well as interest-based clubs spanning the arts, academic enrichment, community service, and leadership development.
All activities are supervised by qualified staff or external providers, with appropriate safety protocols in place, and students are expected to follow the school’s behavioural policies. While some activities may require a nominal participation fee, financial assistance is available to ensure the program remains accessible for all students. The ECA program is regularly monitored and evaluated to ensure continuous improvement and alignment with the needs of the school community.
Tuition and fees per year
How much does it cost to go to Korean International School, Hong Kong?
- from 93400
- to 131700
Day school tuition
Things to know
Applications for admissions open all year round
How many students are in Korean International School, Hong Kong?
800 students
- In total, Korean International School, Hong Kong enrolls
- 800 students from
- 25 different nationalities.
Ensuring the safety and well-being of children is of utmost importance in cultivating a secure and thriving school community. To fulfil this commitment, KIS has appointed dedicated Child Protection Officers (CPOs) and additional responders who form the Child Protection Team. Every member of staff and the KIS community bears the responsibility to uphold child protection practices to the best of their abilities and understanding. KIS remains vigilant in monitoring and enhancing these practices to guarantee that each student is afforded a nurturing, secure, and supportive environment for their growth and education.