King’s College, Panama
- from 2
- to 18 years old
49 different nationalities
- from 7995
- to 23624
529 students
Founded in 2012
Pearson Edxcel, Cambridge IGCSE, High Performance Learning, The Duke of Edingburgh's International Award, BSO, AoBSO, IB Diploma Programme, Wellbeing Award for Schools
One of the best private schools in Panama, King’s College offers outstanding international education, combining innovative teaching methods and global programmes to inspire creative, dynamic learners. As the only private school in Panama providing an accredited British curriculum and the IBDP, and the only High Performance Learning School in the Americas, our British international school empowers all students to achieve their full potential. At our leading international school in Clayton, Panama, we are proud to consistently exceed the global IBDP average, achieving an impressive 35 points in 2024 compared to the global average of 30.3.
As an Inspired School, we follow The Three Pillars approach to learning: Academics are at the heart of all we do, supported by Sports and Creative and Performing Arts. Students are pushed to excel, gain vital study skills and apply themselves while exploring 40+ extracurriculars per trimester.
A positive attitude supports this approach, helping pupils excel academically and enjoy a rewarding educational journey. Our challenging, robust programme nurtures open-minded, multi-skilled global citizens with a love of learning and the confidence and skills to succeed.
At our British school in Clayton, Panama, expert teachers build pupils’ abilities through inquiry-based learning and help them capitalise on all opportunities, such as a new, purpose-built campus and proximity to the natural world.
Extra curricular
Our students at King’s College School Panama benefit from a wide variety of extracurricular and enrichment clubs provided by our expert teaching team and complemented by professional outside providers. These activities enable students to learn new skills, develop their interests and discover talents and passions that will remain with them for life. We encourage all our students to take part in these activities, which also facilitate mixing between year groups, encourage a variety of friendships and provide a welcome break from traditional academic pursuits.
Dining room
Swimming pool
Basketball court
Volleyball court
Arts room
Computer room
Science room
Tuition and fees per year
How much does it cost to go to King’s College, Panama?
- from 7995
- to 23624
Day school tuition
Things to know
How many students are in King’s College, Panama?
529 students
- In total, King’s College, Panama enrolls
- 529 students from
- 49 different nationalities.