Khalil Gibran School Rabat
- from 3
- to 18 years old
70 different nationalities
- from 39500
- to 46000
900 students
Founded in 1986
International Moroccan Baccalaureate English option
Khalil Gibran School is a long established school in Rabat which was founded in 1986. KGS provides a higher quality standard of education in a friendly, supportive and challenging learning environment. The school offers an international experience for students through a community of over 68 nationalities. It embraces and represents different cultures. This diversity and richness makes all students valued and included. Following the Cambridge pathway from year 2 to year13.
Khalil Gibran school Rabat fulfills the criteria and meets the conditions stipulated by the Moroccan Ministry of Education and CAIE (Cambridge Assessment International Education) as well as the Council of British International School “COBIS”. The school was chosen by Cambridge University as the main venue in Morocco since 1998. KGS is now registered as a Cambridge International School under the number MA011 which confirms that the school provides internationally recognized high standard of Education.Our programs place significant emphasis on the attainment of excellence, the development of student confidence, their independence, the skills needed for lifelong learning. It also encourages them to become creative thinkers able to fulfill their potential.
Khalil Gibran School has a proven track of record of 33 years of success in a holistic education. The school prepares students for the IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education) assessments, The AS Level (Advanced Subsidiary) and the A Level ( Advanced) examinations of the University of Cambridge since 1998. An education which is recognized and held in high esteem throughout the world which provides KGS students the opportunity to access reputable universities worldwide.
Extra curricular
With one of the largest private extracurricular activities programmes in Rabat, our school encourages students of all ages to explore an exciting range of pursuits and fulfil their dreams beyond the classroom. As experienced educators, we understand that every child is wonderfully unique which is why our private school gives learners the opportunity to develop their talents, expand their capabilities, and discover causes that ignite their passions.
The extracurricular activities list is regularly updated and sessions are led by vetted coaches, professionals and teachers. Activities are age-appropriate and offer fun, new skills, and the chance to experience the joys of student life with others in our school community. Options include collaborations with charitable organisations or participation in sports, the arts, debate teams, and other academically-focused projects.
Extracurricular activities are a crucial part of the offering at the Khalil Gibran School (KGS Rabat). From music and sport to the arts, we encourage our students to:
- Explore their passions
- Develop and enhance friendships
- Learn new skills
- Strengthen their physical and mental well-being
- Improve time management
- Enhance university applications.
Tuition and fees per year
How much does it cost to go to Khalil Gibran School Rabat?
- from 39500
- to 46000
Day school tuition
Things to know
Pre-School through High School
How many students are in Khalil Gibran School Rabat?
900 students
- In total, Khalil Gibran School Rabat enrolls
- 900 students from
- 70 different nationalities.