International Sharing School – Taguspark
- from 1
- to 18 years old
60 different nationalities
- from 11000
- to 26000
700 students
Founded in 2018
IB Continuum School, Polygon Education, Certified Center and Singapore Maths
International Sharing School offers a curricular programme focused on the personal and professional development, preparing its students for an increasingly global, multicultural, and multilingual world.
The language of instruction at International Sharing School is English. In addition, the academic curriculum includes tuition of Portuguese as mother language, and of French, German, Mandarin, Russian, Italian, and Spanish as foreign languages.
Students move to university speaking fluently at least five of the eight languages we offer.
Extra curricular
Our after-school activities offer a range of activities in a welcoming and caring environment. We provide our students with challenging and satisfying experiences in diverse fields such as arts, music, science, and sports.
List of activities:
Athletics, Basketball, Climbing, Crossfit, Dance, English by Magic, Entrepreneur’s Gym, Escape Room, Football, Game Developing & Design, Golf, Graffiti, Gymnastics, Horse Riding, Jiu-Jitsu, Judo, Mad Rocket Labs, Observational Drawing and Watercolour Studies, Padel, Photography, Russian for Native Speakers, Sailing, Skate, Surf, Swimming, Table Tennis, The Investors, and Volleyball.
Tuition and fees per year
How much does it cost to go to International Sharing School – Taguspark?
- from 11000
- to 26000
Day school tuition
Things to know
We have year-round enrolments up to Grade 10. Due to the academic requirements of the final year of the MYP and the DP, we cannot accept students for Grade 10 and DP after the start of the school year.
The enrolment process has four stages:
1. Enquire: Our Admissions Team will be glad to send all the information you need. Just fill out the form in OpenApply and we will reach out to you as soon as possible.
2. Book a School Tour: Please take 60 minutes to get to know us and what our community stands for. School Tours are from Monday to Friday from 9am – 5pm
3. Submit the Final Application: After confirming the eligibility of the student, his admission to our school is based on availability of the appropriate grade level.
4. Confirmation of Enrolment: Enrolments are only confirmed once the school confirms it has received payment for all invoiced fees.
How many students are in International Sharing School – Taguspark?
700 students
- In total, International Sharing School – Taguspark enrolls
- 700 students from
- 60 different nationalities.
We have 2 dedicated nurses at our campus
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