International School Zurich North
- from 1
- to 18 years old
35 different nationalities
- from 26903
- to 38620
240 students
Founded in 1999
International Baccalaureate (IB) World School: Authorized to offer the IB Primary Years Programme (PYP), emphasizing inquiry-based learning for young students.
University of Cambridge International Examinations Centre: Accredited to deliver the International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) and A-Level programmes, providing a rigorous academic framework for secondary students.
Swiss Group of International Schools (SGIS): Affiliated with SGIS, a network that promotes collaboration and excellence among international schools in Switzerland.
Primary School
For ages 3 months to 6 years – The Early Years Programme
A dual language foundation in English and German, with a nurturing, play-based environment that fosters early development and language acquisition.
For ages 6 to 11 – The International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (IB PYP)
A concept-driven, inquiry-based curriculum that encourages curiosity, critical thinking, and global awareness while building strong academic and personal foundations.
Secondary School
For ages 11 to 16 – The International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE)
A rigorous and flexible academic pathway that prepares students with essential skills and knowledge across a wide range of subjects.
For ages 16 to 18 – A-Level Programme
A personalised approach to learning that allows students to focus on their strengths and interests, providing in-depth academic preparation for leading universities worldwide.
Extra curricular
At ISZN, our diverse Co-Curricular programme inspires students to explore their passions, discover new interests, and build essential life skills beyond the classroom. With a strong emphasis on social and emotional learning, students form cross-grade connections while working alongside dedicated internal and external activity leaders.
Highlights include our award-winning basketball team, competitive boys’ football team, and popular Playball programme for Primary students, which develops agility, balance, and coordination. Younger students also dive into technology fundamentals through engaging LEGO coding and robotics projects, where creativity and problem-solving take centre stage.
ISZN’s extracurriculars provide a fun and supportive environment, encouraging teamwork, innovation, and personal growth.
Tuition and fees per year
How much does it cost to go to International School Zurich North?
- from 26903
- to 38620
Day school tuition
Payment of a capital fund fee is required upon registration for your first child within the school. The capital fund fee for any additional child is charged at a reduced rate.
Tuition fees are set on an annual basis and are subject to change. Payment is required half-yearly or termly in advance.
Things to know
Nursery, Pre-K, KG 1-2, Primary 1-5, Secondary 6-12
How many students are in International School Zurich North?
240 students
- In total, International School Zurich North enrolls
- 240 students from
- 35 different nationalities.
At the International School Zurich North (ISZN), the safety and wellbeing of our students are our top priorities. We adhere to comprehensive health and safety policies, including safeguarding and child protection measures, to ensure a secure and supportive environment. Regular staff training, clear reporting procedures, and a proactive approach to identifying and addressing risks reflect our commitment to student welfare. Additionally, established policies on admissions, data protection, and complaints ensure transparency and prompt resolution of concerns. For more information, visit our School Policies page or contact our school office directly.
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