International School of Lausanne
- from 3
- to 18 years old
75 different nationalities
- from 21000
- to 38600
865 students
Founded in 1962
IB World School, New England Association of Schools and Colleges, Council of International Schools (CIS)
At ISL, comprehensive education programmes from Early Childhood through to the Diploma Programmes for children aged 3-18 are offered.
Our curriculum is designed to equip children to navigate the complexities and uncertainties of a multicultural, interdependent world, enabling them to make a positive impact. As an IB World School, ISL offers the International Baccalaureate Programmes, including the Primary Years Programme (PYP), Middle Years Programme (MYP), and Diploma Programme (DP). Additionally, our well-being curriculum incorporates the CASEL framework.
The PYP serves children aged 3 to 11 and adopts a holistic approach that nurtures the whole child as an inquirer, both in and out of school. This transdisciplinary framework helps students develop academically, socially, and emotionally, fostering international-mindedness and strong personal values.
For students aged 11 to 16, the MYP provides an international curriculum that builds knowledge, understanding, attitudes, and skills necessary for active and responsible participation in a changing world. It encourages students to identify and develop their strengths and to approach challenges in less familiar subjects with confidence.
The DP, aimed at students aged 16 to 18, prepares students for higher education by offering a comprehensive study of a wide range of subjects combined with in-depth specialisation.
Extra curricular
Many of the most impactful lessons our students experience occur beyond the traditional classroom setting. At The International School of Lausanne, we actively foster an environment that supports student journalism, drama, music, the Student Council, Model United Nations, and sports. Here, young individuals are encouraged to discover their unique voices and embrace their true selves. ISL is a dynamic, welcoming, and exciting place where students can build lasting friendships over lunch or while competing on an international stage. We aim to inspire every student to believe that the possibilities are limitless.
We offer a wide and inclusive range of activities and sports for students from Reception 4 to Year 13.
The goal of ISL’s activities is to help lay the groundwork for young people to remain active and involved throughout their life. The programmes are built around the idea of providing balance – balance across activities, balance over time and balance of opportunity.
By trying out new activities, young people discover what they are good at, and are motivated to succeed. By providing the opportunity to increasingly specialise, we allow students to understand the need for commitment and hard work.
Tuition and fees per year
How much does it cost to go to International School of Lausanne?
- from 21000
- to 38600
Things to know
How many students are in International School of Lausanne?
865 students
- In total, International School of Lausanne enrolls
- 865 students from
- 75 different nationalities.
Keeping children safe is the responsibility of the whole school community. This means that everyone, including school staff, fellow students, parents, volunteers, and external providers, has a responsibility to report concerns they have about the safety and well-being of a child. Child safeguarding is all encompassing, and woven into every aspect of life at ISL. At ISL, we have two nurses who provide medical care to students when needed and provide clear guidelines to maintain a healthy school environment for everyone. The nurses tend to sick and injured students and staff, offering first-aid, care and advice. Prevention is provided through health care lessons. In collaboration with teachers, counsellors and other staff, the nurses assist in providing full holistic care at ISL.