International School Hannover Region
- from 3
- to 19 years old
65 different nationalities
- from 11540
- to 20100
600 students
Founded in 1996
ISHR’s curriculum reflects the interconnected world we live in and gives our students a global perspective within their subjects.
We offer the full International Baccalaureate (IB) Continuum from 3-year-olds in the Kindergarten through Grade 12.
The inquiry-based Primary Years Programme (PYP) is used in our Primary School (3-year-olds in the Kindergarten through Grade 5). Students in Grade 6 – Grade 10 develop their skills through the Middle Years Programme (MYP), in which they develop the competencies they need to make connections between their studies and the world around them. All ISHR students in Grade 11 and 12 are enrolled in the Diploma Programme (DP), a prestigious and rigorous curriculum that enables our students to become lifelong learners and understand complex multidisciplinary topics.
Extra curricular
ISHR offers a variety of extracurricular activities including numerous competitive and non-competitive sports, music, drama, Model United Nations. ISHR encourages students to develop their IT and mechanical skills in the Robotics lab as well as in the Maker Space. The school garden and outdoor education area create unique learning opportunities for students of all ages. We offer a variety of sports and our students regularly compete with other International Schools around Germany.
Tuition and fees per year
How much does it cost to go to International School Hannover Region?
- from 11540
- to 20100
Day school tuition
Things to know
Students who wish to enrol can do so at any time during the school year.
How many students are in International School Hannover Region?
600 students
- In total, International School Hannover Region enrolls
- 600 students from
- 65 different nationalities.
At ISHR, we prioritize providing a safe, healthy learning environment where all children are secure and valued. Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility, and we expect staff, volunteers, and visitors to share this commitment.Following the International Task Force on Child Protection guidelines, we maintain the highest standards of child safety. We foster a transparent culture, speaking out against unsafe practices and exposing unprofessional behavior to protect young people. Our Child Safeguarding Policy is grounded in international law and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, to which Germany is a signatory.