International Online School & College in Oxford
- from 5
- to 18 years old
20 different nationalities
- from 3750
- to 8499
Founded in 2019
Following the UK National & Cambridge Curriculum, we enhance and develop students’ understanding of subject content through tailoring lessons to their individual needs. We encourage progression in learners’ communication, problem-solving, and critical-thinking skills to build their confidence in a range of subjects and topics. We focus on developing students’ ability to apply their knowledge to real-world problems and exam-style questions. Our lessons are taught via live classrooms over Zoom, with 10 or fewer students per class. Teachers tailor their lessons based on feedback from homework and tests to ensure every pupil receives the support they need to progress. Every class is designed to be engaging, interactive, and beneficial to ensure students get the best out of their online learning.
Tuition and fees per year
How much does it cost to go to International Online School & College in Oxford?
- from 3750
- to 8499