Inter-Community School Zurich
- from 1
- to 18 years old
50 different nationalities
- from 12220
- to 36950
840 students
Founded in 1960
IB accreditation and NEASC accreditation
ICS offers the curriculum of the International Baccalaureate (IB) programme for all grade levels: the Primary Years Programme (PYP), Middle Years Programme (MYP) and the Diploma Programme (DP).
Extra curricular
The Inter-Community School Zurich, is renowned for its understanding and education of the whole child. Established in 1960, it is the oldest international school in the Greater Zurich Area. We are a school built on a strong foundation and driven by the values of kindness, respect and integrity. An IB World School, the only one in Zurich, we educate students from Nursery through the Grade 12.
We are privileged to reside in one of the most beautiful corners of the Canton Zurich, with access to outdoor classrooms and experiences unlike any other school in the region. Our renowned Waldkinder is but one example of how we make real world connections between the classroom and the great outdoors.
The School provides a world-class education taught by highly experienced and exceptional teachers in a nurturing and collaborative learning environment. As a community of learners, united by the ICS mission statement, our school stands out as it honours its diversity and embraces the best practices of global citizenship supported by the philosophy of the IB Organisation.
As an international school with over 800 students, we welcome students of all nationalities; we currently have students from over 50 countries here.
We welcome applications from prospective students throughout the year. Please contact us if you have any questions or if you would like to arrange a personal tour of our campus.
Soccer court
Basketball court
Arts room
Computer room
Music room
Dance studio
Science room
Tuition and fees per year
How much does it cost to go to Inter-Community School Zurich?
- from 12220
- to 36950
Things to know
Preschool – Grade 12
How many students are in Inter-Community School Zurich?
840 students
- In total, Inter-Community School Zurich enrolls
- 840 students from
- 50 different nationalities.