Institut Montana Zugerberg

Institut Montana Zugerberg
- from 6
- to 19 years old
55 different nationalities
- from 32900
- to 72800
360 students
Founded in 1926
Council of International Schools (CIS), IB World School, Cambridge International, Kanton Zug ,KiVa Antibullying Program
Swiss Bilingual Primary School (grades 1-6)
Cambridge Lower Secondary (grades 6-8)
IGCSE (grades 9-10)
IB Diploma Programme (grades 11-12)
Swiss Bilingual Secondary School (grades 7-9)
Swiss High School Matura, (grades 7-12)
High School Diploma (grades 9-12)
Extra curricular
The learning that leads to diplomas or Maturas is not everything. It is best supplemented by learning activities that are inspiring in their own right.
Students develop motivation to learn for the sake of learning, and that stays with them for life. So, co-curricular activities are more than an add-on or entertainment; they are central to the life of the school. Along the way, our young people often find talents they never imagined they had. They have the opportunities to learn and grow into confident, accomplished adults, adopting a healthy approach to life and developing skills for the future.
Being active is crucial for physical and mental health. We want our students to find what motivates them to stay fit and energised. With various options that change regularly, there’s something for everyone.
Team sport (e.g. volleyball, football, unihockey)
Tennis and badminton
Fitness and zumba
Mountain biking
Beginner swimming
Or simply making the most of our amazing natural surroundings!
Your children will be warmly welcomed into a happy, multi-national, family-like community and cared for by experienced house parents.
Their lives will be full of fun and learning, in an environment that is safe and loving. Children need different types of support as they mature, so we adapt our programmes so that students develop into self-responsible, confident and kind people. We have three houses, two for boys and one for girls. Single/double accomodation. Each bedroom comes fully furnished with a bed, wardrobe, desk, chair, and small refrigerator, and we offer laundry service.
On weekends, our boarding students explore Switzerland, its culture and its magnificent landscape with regular visits to ski resorts during the winter. Evenings are opportunities to wind down, but there is also a programme of activities to keep everyone busy.
Tuition and fees per year
How much does it cost to go to Institut Montana Zugerberg?
- from 32900
- to 72800
Day school tuition
Boarding school tuition
Things to know
Rolling admissions policy
How many students are in Institut Montana Zugerberg?
360 students
- In total, Institut Montana Zugerberg enrolls
- 360 students from
- 55 different nationalities.