Highgrove Online School
- from 13
- to 19 years old
30 different nationalities
- from 1250
- to 10950
70 students
Founded in 2023
Registered UCAS centre, Approved Edexcel Centre
Our approach to teaching and learning is completely different to that of a traditional school. We teach using a flipped learning approach. Our pupils develop an understanding of subject content independently by working through high-quality interactive self-study materials. Our teachers have full visibility of our pupils’ progress through their self-study courses and hold two live lessons per subject per week in which they support pupils to apply what they have learnt, targeting the areas of curriculum pupils have found challenging. Our small classes of up to 12 pupils at GCSE and 10 at A level allow fully interactive lessons, with a focus on application of knowledge to solving problems and exam questions. Our approach to learning frees up time for our teachers to give individual support to pupils when they need it. This one-to-one provision sets us apart from other schools and helps us provide individualised learning programmes where each pupil gets the amount of time and support they need.
Extra curricular
We offer extra-curricular provision that is second to none. Our enrichment programme provides a wealth of opportunities for pupils to go above and beyond their academic studies, enabling them to develop 21st century skills while forming lasting, global friendships. We have a wide range of student-led clubs and societies, and an elective programme designed to provide the opportunity to explore areas of interest and scholarship. Elective choices range from subjects as diverse as sports psychology, nutrition, game theory, advanced quantum physics, AI literacy, and creative writing. We also offer a Skills and Mindset programme which covers the micro-skills needed to become a successful independent learner, and broader well-being topics such as the importance of exercise, diet and sleep, developing self-knowledge, and dealing with anxiety and stress. Our weekly individual coaching session help pupils stay on track with their learning and support them as they plan for the future and for our older pupils, apply for university.
Tuition and fees per year
How much does it cost to go to Highgrove Online School?
- from 1250
- to 10950
Day school tuition
Things to know
All year round
How many students are in Highgrove Online School?
70 students
- In total, Highgrove Online School enrolls
- 70 students from
- 30 different nationalities.