Harrow International School Bengaluru
- from 11
- to 18 years old
7 different nationalities
- from 1817250
- to 1902000
220 students
Founded in 2023
Ed excel pearson, IB DP, Cambridge
The poet W B Yeats called true education ‘the lighting of a fire’. It is our overriding intention at Harrow International School Bengaluru to inspire a love of learning, by allowing our students to follow their interests and develop new enthusiasms, whether they be in language, the sciences, the arts or any other area. In this way, we aim that learning should be ablaze across our school.
We offer 25 subjects, each taught by outstanding subject specialists, often with an impressive reputation in their field. All are passionate advocates for their subject and their students, encouraging International Harrovians to go beyond the standard curriculum to gain a mastery of a topic. Students and teachers therefore develop a relationship of mutual respect, whereby the seeds of a life-long love of learning are sown.
At the centre of our academic programme lies the English national curriculum, which ensures a clear and structured preparation for international assessments at IGCSE and beyond. Our academic curriculum also extends well beyond this, to ensure an appropriate focus on the international dimension and holistic nature of our school. As an international school in India, we celebrate our local cultural environment throughout the school year. Recognising that our students will go on to lead in the future, we run a character education alongside their academic learning, so they are equipped to work with and bring out the best in others.
Extra curricular
The Super-Curriculum: Examinations are just one dimension of academic life. At Harrow International School Bengaluru, whilst highly aware of the importance of examined qualifications, we go further – recognising that scholarship is limitless. We balance the rigour of carefully crafted examination preparation with the development of research skills, the ability to debate and communicate confidently, to solve problems and to think both critically and creatively. These skills have inherent, lifelong value and universities are always on the lookout for candidates who possess them.
Our Super-Curriculum encompasses all those activities that foster academic endeavour beyond the measurable outcomes of examination results. It includes wide and habitual reading, extended project work, debate, public speaking, research, national and international academic competitions, study trips and lectures from visiting speakers which inspire and challenge. The Super-Curriculum is also embedded in our regular school day, with students challenged to think for themselves through active learning and extension work undertaken in an atmosphere of discovery from Grade 6 onwards.
Holistic Education: An education at Harrow International School Bengaluru goes beyond a focus purely on academic achievement. Instead, we mould young people with the character qualities they need to thrive in later life. The holistic education we offer develops the leadership skills that are integral to being an International Harrovian and instils Harrow’s four central values – courage, honour, humility and fellowship.
Our sports programme builds an awareness of the importance and enjoyment of being part of a team, as well as the abilities to succeed with humility and to respond to disappointment with good grace. Our music and art programmes allow our students to develop lifelong skills which will enrich their lives, and to grow their self-confidence and their ability to present in a public forum.
Harrow Bengaluru’s clubs allow students to build friendships with others who share their interests, while developing a broader understanding of the world.
Our leadership programme provides varied opportunities to offer guidance to others, to build successful teams and to learn from so doing, whilst our expeditions and International Award package allow students to challenge themselves and to gain understanding which can only be obtained through experiences beyond the regular classroom.
We believe that these opportunities, as well as the impressive academic results that our students obtain, are the reason why Harrow School and Harrow International Schools have an outstanding record of helping students to win places at the world’s best universities. In 2024 Harrovians and International Harrovians have won places at Oxford University, Cambridge University, Imperial, LSE, UCL and King’s in London, as well as Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Brown, Dartmouth, Columbia, Stanford, Duke, Penn, and Cornell in the US, amongst many other leading global universities.
Weekly And Full Boarders: Harrow Bengaluru provides two boarding options: Weekly and Full. The school is open to full boarders throughout term, including during extended festival weekends. Our full boarders, who make up the majority of the school, hence benefit from a busy weekend programme as well as all the regular weekday activities. All meals are included in the full boarding fee for seven days a week.
Weekly boarders are expected to return home each weekend. As a general rule they are expected to leave school after 3.30pm on Friday afternoon and return by 8.30pm on Sunday evening. However, weekly boarders may choose to stay in school on Friday evening so that they can attend activities on Saturday morning. Meals are not provided for weekly boarders at weekends (except breakfast on Saturday if they stay overnight on Friday).
The boarding houses at Harrow Bengaluru are very well equipped. Students in Grades 6 to 9 are accommodated in twin rooms. As well as two beds, twin room have separate cupboards for each student to store their clothes and other belongings, a bedside table beside each bed and two separate study desks. Students in Grades 10 to 12 are accommodated in single rooms (unless they prefer to share). Single rooms feature a bed, a cupboard, a bedside table and a study desk. In addition, each single room has an ensuite wet room with toilet, basin and shower.
Each boarding house also has its own library, pantry, several common rooms, laundry room, infirmary, and meeting room. Each house also has its own kitchen and dining room, although students will be able to select whether they wish to eat in their own dining room or that of the adjacent dining room depending on whether they wish to eat veg or non-veg meals.
Day Students: Just over a third of our children are day students, taking advantage of the daily bus service across Bengaluru. Day students, like boarders, benefit not only from our exceptional academic provision but also from the extensive co-curricular programme which is on offer at Harrow, attending an extra-curricular of super-curricular club each afternoon after regular lessons have finished. Day students are also part of our house system, which ensures the highest standard of pastoral care and a welcoming community through which each student can enjoy their busy and varied school day.
Tuition and fees per year
How much does it cost to go to Harrow International School Bengaluru?
- from 1817250
- to 1902000
Day school tuition
Boarding school tuition
Things to know
Rolling admissions cycle, please contact our admission desk for more information.
How many students are in Harrow International School Bengaluru?
220 students
- In total, Harrow International School Bengaluru enrolls
- 220 students from
- 7 different nationalities.
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