Fyling Hall School
- from 4
- to 18 years old
10 different nationalities
- from 7257
- to 30000
180 students
Founded in 1923
Independent School Association (ISA), Cambridge English Exam Preparation Centre, Boarding Schools Association (BSA)
At Fyling Hall we have a curriculum that is designed to accommodate international pupils from all around the world. We have small class sizes of 15 or less which allows the teachers to support and engage pupils in the classroom. Our academic results for international students are strong and many of our pupils go on to attend some of the top universities in England and abroad.
We encourage full immersion in the school curriculum for international pupils. The small class sizes allow staff to monitor both understanding and progress with English in the early stages. This helps gain an understanding of each pupil’s specific requirements in the classroom rather than adopting a generic strategy. All international pupils are supported by high quality English as a Second Language lessons, in small classes delivered by specialist teachers. This support is a crucial element in helping access mainstream lessons and gives pupils time to revisit work they have found difficult.
Horse riding at school is very much part of the Fyling Hall School tradition, and our eight horses and ponies are greatly loved members of the community. The 5 star rated stable yard lies within the school grounds, and the horses and ponies graze the surrounding fields in summer. We offer Sixth Form students the opportunity to study a BTEC in Equine Management, which offers an engaging programme with a comprehensive and practical approach to learning, perfect for students passionate about horses and interested in a career or further study in the equine industry.
Music at Fyling Hall is a thriving, popular department where pupils are encouraged to take part in all music events, appreciate listening to music, and compose their own pieces reflecting their interests and lifestyle. Our music department is housed in our purpose-built modern music block, which includes both practice rooms and a recording studio, a live performance space and a 100 hundred seat theatre.
Drama at Fyling Hall is a developing department where pupils are challenged through practical performance, to consider different opinions, cultures and lifestyles to their own. They improvise their own performances, rehearse play texts from a wide range of playwrights and have the opportunity to see professional theatre companies across the local area. At GCSE and A level pupils have the opportunity to perform increasingly challenging roles and explore classics such ‘An Inspector Calls’ as well as more modern texts such as ‘The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night time’. Drama is in many ways the exploration of self, a place to grow in confidence, an understanding of the stage and the study of great literature; we aim to give pupils an experience of all these areas.
Sport is integral to life at Fyling Hall and we have an outstanding reputation, past and present. Not everyone can match the recent success of Fyling Hall Old Pupils’, Jamie Noon and Rachel Bamford, in representing England, but all our students are encouraged to achieve their personal best. The challenge, teamwork and sheer fun of the sports field help young people develop confidence and self-discipline – the foundation for a healthy, well-rounded adult life.
Extra curricular
At Fyling Hall, we provide a diverse extra-curricular programme, which provides opportunities for new experiences and keeps our students busy. Sport, music, drama and The Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme are at the core of our extra-curricular programme but additional academic subjects and specialist clubs such as climbing, board games, craft club, karate to mention a few ensure that there is something for everyone.
Our boarding community has a family feel and our boarding houses play a crucial role in creating a warm and friendly atmosphere. Our boarding team creates a fun and relaxed environment where both pupils and parents feel supported by experienced staff. This environment allows our boarders to develop socially, academically, and mature emotionally in a secure and stable environment. Fyling Hall has many nationalities represented and we all learn from each other.
Girls and boys stay in separate houses within the school in rooms with 1 – 4 students of similar ages. Houses are comfortable and peaceful with beautiful views of the surrounding woodland or coastline and all houses are equipped with wireless internet, common rooms and facilities to make hot drinks and snacks. Everyone has a locker, wardrobe, drawers, and cork-board to add photos, notes or decorations to ensure their personal space feels like their own.
There are communal areas (common rooms) for the children to socialise and relax (with large TVs, games, fussball, pool, airhockey, computer games). The sports hall, art studio, and other facilities are available on an evening and there is a busy weekend programme. The school gardens provide a wonderful place to relax and chat to friends. The dining hall is about 1-minute walk from the boarding houses.
Tuition and fees per year
How much does it cost to go to Fyling Hall School?
- from 7257
- to 30000
Things to know
All year round
How many students are in Fyling Hall School?
180 students
- In total, Fyling Hall School enrolls
- 180 students from
- 10 different nationalities.
1:16 - often less, especially at A level