Eureka Learning
- from 5
- to 18 years old
20 different nationalities
- from 3080
- to 5992
Founded in 2019
Our broad and varied curriculum focuses on developing students’ understanding and ability to apply knowledge to a range of contexts. We primarily focus on supporting students’ individual progress through our tailored and personalised lessons, by adapting class material based on their learning requirements. Our school offers students the ability to enhance their problem-solving and critical-thinking skills, and then apply their knowledge to solve a range of exam questions and scenarios. Our classes are held virtually in live classrooms, allowing students to interact and communicate with their peers from around the world. We ensure each class has 10 or fewer students to create a more individually focused learning approach.
Tuition and fees per year
How much does it cost to go to Eureka Learning?
- from 3080
- to 5992