Elea High Online School
- from 11
- to 18 years old
17 different nationalities
- from 5950
- to 6950
60 students
Founded in 2022
We offer a broad and comprehensive Key Stage 3 curriculum which fully prepares students for the start of their important exam courses. Classes are limited to a maximum of twelve students to ensure a personalised approach and ensure every student achieves their goals.
From Year 10, students choose from a range of sixteen Edexcel IGCSE courses, most of which are offered in modular format, where students undertake examinations each year instead of at the end of the two-year course, reducing examination pressure.
From Year 12, students choose from a range of eleven A level courses and are encouraged to undertake the Extended Project Qualification, a course which prepares students for the academic rigours of university life and enables them to study an area of interest.
Elea High Online School is committed to ensuring its students’ well-being is prioritised through a supportive, pastoral programme and promises an unrivalled personalised online education experience for your child. Additionally, Student Coaches offers a comprehensive package of support which includes academic and welfare support, careers and university guidance.
Extra curricular
A wide range of Extra Curricula Activities enable students to get to know one another outside of lessons and includes: Virtual Cookery Club, Creative Writing, Literature Club, Film Club, EtonX Competency Courses and Model United Nations.
Tuition and fees per year
How much does it cost to go to Elea High Online School?
- from 5950
- to 6950
Day school tuition
Things to know
Enrolment can be undertaken at any time of the year
How many students are in Elea High Online School?
60 students
- In total, Elea High Online School enrolls
- 60 students from
- 17 different nationalities.
Elea High Online School follows the UK guidelines on Safeguarding and Well-being. As an online school, the potential for health and safety issues is reduced but there is a greater emphasis on well-being and cyber-bullying. We have a designated safeguarding lead who, like the entire staff, undertake update training on safeguarding and well-being each year. We operate a coaching/mentoring programme for each student who meets fortnightly with their coach mentor.