EIB de la Jonchere

Day School
Bougival, Europe, France


Located 15 minutes away from La Défense and less than 30 minutes from Paris, between Bougival and La Celle-Saint- Cloud in the Yvelines region (78), EIB de La Jonchère is a bilingual school that follows programmes of the French Ministry of National Education.Building on the 60-year experience of our Parisian EIB schools, we have implemented a new model to meet the needs of bilingual French-English childr...
Type of school
Age range



50 different nationalities

Yearly fee
Nr of students

300 students


Founded in 2017


Globeducate School


Our educational program is taught in equal proportion in French and English based on the French National curriculum. Our teachers make use of French and Anglo-Saxon pedagogical methods, both different and complimentary, as they combine strong academic requirements with a caring approach. Our students develop their knowledge, critical and analytical thinking, as well as the necessary interpersonal skills to understand our constant- evolving world. They learn to be autonomous and to adapt to a multicultural environment through openness to diversity and mutual respect. Our team of thirty native teachers aims to stimulate students’ curiosity and creativity, and help them find meaning in their academic learning. We strive to mobilize their transdisciplinary skills to prepare them to the challenges of today’s and tomorrow’s world.

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Language of instruction
Foreign languages taught

Extra curricular

At EIB de la Jonchère, we believe in fostering the holistic development of each child by offering a rich array of extracurricular activities, thoughtfully catered to different age groups, from nursery to middle school. Our campus provides the perfect environment for pupils to explore their interests and develop new skills.

As they grow, students can engage in activities such as yoga for relaxation and mindfulness, coding and robotics for developing technological skills, and chess to enhance strategic thinking. We also offer swimming lessons that promote physical confidence and enjoyment in the water, in our indoor swimming pool.

Creative minds are nurtured through film making, drama, and creative writing, while activities like Lego and science projects encourage hands-on learning and problem-solving. Dance allows pupils to express themselves through movement, fostering both physical fitness and artistic expression.

At EIB de la Jonchère, these activities are more than just pastimes; they are integral to our educational philosophy, helping pupils build confidence, explore new passions, and develop essential life skills. We take pride in offering a diverse range of activities that complement our rigorous academic programme, ensuring that each child receives a well-rounded and fulfilling education.

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Tuition and fees per year

How much does it cost to go to EIB de la Jonchere?

Day school tuition

In addition to tuition fees, there are registration and excellence fees. The school offers different lunch and transport options.
Show all day tuition

Things to know

Enrollment phase

Interested families are invited to contact our admissions team directly via our website to discuss their child(ren)'s schooling. They are then invited to make an appointment to visit the school and meet the Admissions Officer. After this meeting, and once all the documents (school reports, etc.) have been examined by the admissions committee , the admissions team contacts the family. If the application is accepted, the family is asked to complete all the enrolment documents and pay a deposit to secure the pupil's place.

How many students are in EIB de la Jonchere?

300 students


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Located 15 minutes away from La Défense and less than 30 minutes from Paris, between Bougival and La Celle-Saint- Cloud in the Yvelines region (78), EIB de La Jonchère is a bilingual school that follows programmes of the French Ministry of National Education.
Building on the 60-year experience of our Parisian EIB schools, we have implemented a new model to meet the needs of bilingual French-English children coming from very diverse countries and cultures. Our educational program is taught in equal proportion in French and English based on the French National curriculum. Our teachers make use of French and Anglo-Saxon pedagogical methods, both different and complimentary, as they combine strong academic requirements with a caring approach. Our bilingual school welcomes around 320 children from petite section (Nursery) to 3ème (Grade 9) in small-size classes.

With its 3 sports grounds, an indoor pool and fully-equipped classrooms, all within 4.9 acres of parkland, EIB de La Jonchère offers our students unique learning conditions. A school transportation service is also available for each of our students with morning and evening door- to-door shuttles covering the West of Paris (Yvelines, Hauts-de-Seine). The shuttles provide comfortable and secure transport in compliance with safety standards.



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