Dulwich College Shanghai Puxi

Day School
Asia, China, Eastern Asia


Situated in the leafy and green west of Minhang district, Dulwich College Shanghai Puxi caters for families living in the west of Shanghai who are seeking the world-class holistic education that Dulwich College has become synonymous with. At Dulwich College Shanghai Puxi the curriculum is academically rigorous, yet the education of the whole child is seen as critical. The wellbeing programme and range of...
Type of school
Age range



30 different nationalities

Yearly fee
Nr of students

400 students


Founded in 2016


CIS, IB, WASC, ACAMIS, Cambridge Assessment International Education, Duke of Edinburgh International Award, FOBISIA, Common Sense School, The Curiosity Approach


Dulwich College Shanghai Puxi educates children from age 2 to 18. The primary teaching language is English, with a Dual Language approach in Mandarin and English in DUCKS (Toddler to Year 2). Children up to age 5 follow the Early Years Foundation Stage, and from Year 1 to Year 9, follow the National Curriculum of England, which is enhanced to meet the needs of our international student body. In Year 10 they begin the IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education), a rigorous two-year course that requires students to take a broad range of subjects covering maths and sciences, English and foreign languages, and the humanities. The IGCSE culminates in exams at the end of Year 11, and prepares students well for the two-year International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) or A-Level that starts in Year 12.

Our Approach to Learning
Our approach to learning nurtures confidence and intellectual curiosity in our students, preparing them for success in further education and life beyond. We offer a holistic education founded on academic rigour and complemented by rewarding co-curricular programmes. Our network of schools has relationships with leading universities and organisations to bring unique learning experiences to our students.

We encourage our students to take pride in their achievements, both inside and outside the classroom, continuing the tradition of excellence started by Dulwich College. The success of our students is reflected in the university acceptances and scholarships that Dulwich international graduates receive every year. Our international alumni gain entry to some of the top ranked universities worldwide.

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Language of instruction
Foreign languages taught

Extra curricular

Students at Dulwich College Shanghai Puxi have abundant opportunities to explore their creativity, pursue their interests and satisfy their intellectual curiosity outside the classroom. Starting at Reception through to Senior School, all students are encouraged to take advantage of the Co-Curricular Activities (CCAs) available at the College, to learn and develop new skills or devote time to an interest.

Co-curricular activities are offered each day of the school week, and extend through to weekends with our extensive Saturday CCA Programme. We run dedicated school bus services before and after CCAs most school days. CCAs are offered covering a wide range of disciplines, from Sports and The Arts through to music, science and board games. We value the CCAs as more than just additional opportunities for students to have fun. They should stimulate, excite and extend children’s learning, helping them to take their existing passions to a deeper level, and to discover new areas of interest throughout the year.

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Tuition and fees per year

How much does it cost to go to Dulwich College Shanghai Puxi?

Day school tuition

Tuition Fees may be paid annually or by term. Tuition Fees paid annually enjoy favourable rates compared to fees paid by term. An Application Fee of 3,500 RMB is non-refundable and valid for the year of application.The Resource Fee for 2023-24 is RMB 15,000. This fee is held to ensure the return of College property. The fee will be refunded after return and any necessary deductions for damage or outstanding Tuition Fees.A Capital Development Fee of RMB 15,000 per student will be required for new students joining the College from the 2023-24 academic year onwards. This fee supports facilities and technology development to ensure our students have access to the best possible educational environment.Examination fees are included in our tuition fees.Fees for compulsory school trips are also covered in our tuition fees, while optional school trip expenses are borne by the parents or guardians.The cost of school lunches, buses and additional educational support is not included in our tuition fees.
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Things to know

Enrollment phase

Admissions at Dulwich College Shanghai Puxi operates on a rolling basis.

How many students are in Dulwich College Shanghai Puxi?

400 students

Health & safety

Because we put students first in all that we do, safeguarding and child protection are of paramount importance in Dulwich College Shanghai Puxi. As a world-class organisation with a strong moral purpose, we make certain that every step is taken to ensure the safety and wellbeing of each child in our care.We believe that children should be respected and their views should be heard. It is our responsibility to ensure that each child forms stable relationships with adults, built on trust and consistent support for children’s individual needs. This approach guides the behaviour of all professionals in our school. Our child-centred approach to safeguarding is based on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.Dulwich College Shanghai Puxi has developed an extensive Safeguarding Policy and training programme, which is regularly reviewed and updated. All new staff members at our school are subject to our safer recruitment procedures. Recruitment staff are trained, and upon arriving at our school new joiners all take part in safeguarding training, which is periodically refreshed throughout their tenure in our organisation. Our students have age-appropriate lessons in safeguarding and our schools undergo annual safeguarding audits. Safeguarding is also a critical component of our accreditations.

Student-teacher ratio

Toddler 1∶4;Nursery: 1∶8;Reception: 1∶10;Year 1 - Year 13: 1∶22


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Situated in the leafy and green west of Minhang district, Dulwich College Shanghai Puxi caters for families living in the west of Shanghai who are seeking the world-class holistic education that Dulwich College has become synonymous with. At Dulwich College Shanghai Puxi the curriculum is academically rigorous, yet the education of the whole child is seen as critical. The wellbeing programme and range of co-curricular opportunities available to all children encourages academic, physical, social and emotional growth. The robust Mandarin programme ensures that all students, regardless of background, can thrive in the local culture and context. The curriculum is based on the BritishNational Curriculum and is appropriately enhanced to meet the needs of our international student body, culminating in International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme or A-Level in years 12 and 13.



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