Chatsworth International School
- from 3
- to 18 years old
50 different nationalities
- from 29367
- to 39971
800 students
Founded in 1995
WASC, IB World School
Our students and school community are the heart of Chatsworth. We are proud of our strong and close-knit community and we strive to provide the best learning environment for our students. The school is located near Singapore’s only rainforest with inspiring views and a serene environment.
Chatsworth graduates consistently achieve above global average results year on year and they receive a wide range of university offers from all over the world. The school average was 38 points in 2022 and 36 points for three consecutive years (2019 to 2021) with a 100% pass rate through these years. Chatsworth is one of the few international schools in Singapore to offer the full IB MYP eAssessment examination, leading to the award of the IB MYP course results or the IB MYP Certificate at the end of Year 11 (Grade 10).
Extra curricular
Co-Curricular activities (CCAs) and Extracurricular activities (ECAs) are an important part of student life. These activities provide opportunities for students to participate in team-based sports, discover new passions, develop social skills, play together and have fun. It is mandatory that students in Years 7 to 11 participate in at least one CCA or sports team per semester. Each academic year, the CCAs and ECAs are offered in three seasons.
Competitive sports are offered under the auspices of ACSIS (Athletic Conference Singapore International Schools), of which Chatsworth is an active member. Through ACSI, students from Year 3 through Year 13 have the opportunity to compete in basketball, badminton, soccer, cross country running, swimming, ultimate frisbee, touch rugby and netball across the three sporting seasons of each academic year. Here at Chatsworth, we try to field as many teams as possible in different age groups and sporting activities.
Swimming pool
Basketball court
Arts room
Music room
Science room
Tuition and fees per year
How much does it cost to go to Chatsworth International School?
- from 29367
- to 39971
Things to know
All year-round enrolment / K1 - Year 13 (Grade 12)
How many students are in Chatsworth International School?
800 students
- In total, Chatsworth International School enrolls
- 800 students from
- 50 different nationalities.
We have a full-time School Nurse on campus. She provides healthcare for students and is also available to give information regarding health issues relevant to the school and our students.
2:22 (K1 & K2) 2:24 (Y1 & Y2) 1:24 (Y3-13)