British School of Bucharest
- from 2
- to 18 years old
56 different nationalities
- from 6895
- to 21767
670 students
Founded in 2000
British School Overseas (BSO), Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI), Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (ARACIP), Member of COBIS, Independent Schools Teacher Induction Panel (IStip), Edexcel, Cambridge Assessment International Education, BSB is a COBIS Training School
BSB provides a comprehensive international education based on the National Curriculum for England. The school offers a positive, stimulating, secure and caring environment that encourages the fulfilment of individual potential and the growth of self-esteem and self-confidence in all areas – academic, social and personal. At the British School of Bucharest, we provide a premium British education for children: Aged 2 to 5 in our Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS): Pre-Nursery (aged 2-3) / Nursery (aged 3-4) / Reception (aged 4-5) . Aged 5 to 11, in our Primary Stage: Key Stage 1 (Years 1 & 2, for children aged 5-6) – Key Stage 2 (Years 3, 4, 5 & 6, for children aged 7-10) . Aged 11-18, in our Secondary Stage: Key Stage 3 (Years 7, 8 & 9, for pupils aged 11-13) / Key Stage 4 (Years 10 & 11, for pupils aged 14-15) / Key Stage 5/Sixth Form (Years 12 & 13, for pupils aged 16-18). Through the National Curriculum for England, our students are exposed to many innovative Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics (STEAM) opportunities. These provide invaluable practical experiences that nourish the skills of creativity, flexibility and collaboration and help our students prepare for the future workplace – for jobs that may not currently exist.
Extra curricular
We offer our students the possibility to explore their interests and passions via a wealth of co-curricular activities that include arts and crafts projects, cooking, music, academic extension classes such as language learning, writing support and computer skills, mathematical games and sport. We encourage our students to enrol in at least two activities every term, acquire new skills and abilities, and develop their confidence.
Dining room
Swimming pool
Soccer court
Basketball court
Volleyball court
Arts room
Computer room
Music room
Dance studio
Science room
Tuition and fees per year
How much does it cost to go to British School of Bucharest?
- from 6895
- to 21767
Day school tuition
Things to know
EYFS, Primary School and Secondary School
How many students are in British School of Bucharest?
670 students
- In total, British School of Bucharest enrolls
- 670 students from
- 56 different nationalities.
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