Aiglon College
- from 7
- to 18 years old
68 different nationalities
- from 46000
- to 150000
480 students
Founded in 1949
Round Square, CIS, NEASC, IBO, Edexcel, AQA and University of Cambridge International Examinations
Extra curricular
Sports: Athletics, Badminton,, Basketball, Boxing, Circuit training, Climbing, Cross Country, Fencing, Football, Golf, Gymnastics, Handball, Horse riding, Ice Hockey, Unihoc/ Indoor Hockey, Indoor Cricket, Ice Skating, Mountain Biking, Netball, Padel, Parkour, Skateboarding, Skiing, Ski Touring, Snowboarding, Skiing racing, Swimming, Taekwondo, Tennis, Table Tennis, Trampolining, Trail running, Touch Rugby, Tchoukball, Ultimate Frisbee, Volleyball Activities: Academic Peer Mentorship Service at the Local Crèche, Anatomy and Dissection, Expeditions, Embracing Diversity, Foodbank, Practical Chemistry, Astronomy, History Club, Psychology Society, Battle of the Books, Lego club, Rocket Society, Biotechnology, Maths Olympiad, Challenge Role, Play Games, Chess Medics Academy, Thrift Store, Science Olympiad, Children’s Story Writing, Model United Nations (MUN), Student Magazine – The Nest, Comic Book club, Number Ninjas, Warhammer, Round Square, Creative Writing, Paper Engineering, Whizzpopbang – Juniors, Cubesat, Philosophy Society, Recycling, Sustainability Club, World Wildlife Fund Committee, World Exploration club, Debating Politics Soc, Yearbook. Music: Big Band, DJing, Percussion Ensemble, Brass Ensemble, Drum, Rock Jam, Chamber Choir, Flute Ensemble, String Ensemble, Choir Orchestra Big Band Creative Arts: Architectural Design, Film Making, Lamda, Public Speaking, Ballet, Graphic Design, Photography, Ceramics International Cinema Club Printmaking, Dance, Junior School Production, School Production, Fashion Design, Knit and Knatter, Theatre Make Up Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Coding Stock Market and Finance Club, Design and Engineering, Vex Robotics, Entrepreneurship Club, Young Enterprise Club
Tuition and fees per year
How much does it cost to go to Aiglon College?
- from 46000
- to 150000
Things to know
Junior and Secondary School
How many students are in Aiglon College?
480 students
- In total, Aiglon College enrolls
- 480 students from
- 68 different nationalities.