St. Joseph’s Institution International

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Азия, Сингапур, Юго-Восточная Азия


SJI International, a Lasallian Catholic school in Singapore, provides a comprehensive, values-centered international education to a diverse student body of over 2,000 students from more than 40 nationalities. Today, the school celebrates a community of over 2,000 students across two schools on one campus. The High School admits both Singaporean and international students in Grades 7 – 12 (ages 12 – 18),...
Тип школы
Возрастной диапазон

Совместное обучение


48 nacionalidades diferentes

Годовая плата за обучение
Количество студентов

2044 estudantes


Fundado en 2007


CIS (High School); EduTrust (Elementary School)

Академические науки

Students have access to the International Primary Curriculum (IPC), International Middle Years Curriculum (IMYC), IGCSE and the IB Diploma Programme. Teachers make use of a child-centred and active learning approach to encourage the development of each student. Highly experienced and nurturing teachers create an environment where children feel safe, inspired and supported. Students are empowered to become resilient and critical thinkers, to develop their own curiosity and enthusiasm for learning, as well as to recognise excellence and how to achieve it.

In 2024, the Elementary School will launch the Bilingual Programme to enable students to become equally proficient in two languages, English and Chinese. It is designed for both native and non-native speakers and follows a ten-day teaching cycle dividing the language of instruction by subject area as well as by time. Alternating language instruction ensures equal commitment to both English and Chinese.

Another fundamental part of an SJI International education is learning through ‘Service’. All students are given opportunities to support a range of charities and organisations, going beyond their self-interests and serving the needs of others. These activities promote an appreciation of the world, develop skills and understanding that are driven by experience, and create significant opportunities for personal development.

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Учебная программа

Внеклассная работа

Students in the Elementary school start CCAs from Prep 2, where they are offered a curated selection of CCAs to begin their enrichment journey. In Grades 1-6, the students are offered a vast array of CCAs from the fields of Sports, Visual Arts, Performing Arts, Academics, Environment and Sustainability, Digital Technology, Martial Arts and Robotics. Catechism classes are offered through the CCA programme. Children can represent the school through the ACSIS sports on offer. Our Musical enrichment opportunities have grown substantially in 2022. We have the Elementary School Orchestra, Choir, string ensemble, and guitar ensemble. We also offer in-school music tuition through our ITP programme on instruments including, guitar, drums, violin, piano, cello, flute, clarinet, trumpet, and saxophone. We also offer voice coaching.

Students also have a wealth of CCA options in the High School. Our CCA programme enables students to develop an understanding of themselves and others, as well as build resilience and a desire to learn in different contexts. We encourage our students to select activities that will allow them to build life-long passions and interests they may wish to pursue as part of a healthy and creative lifestyle.

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Boarding is available from Grade 9 onwards. SJI International has appointed St Andrew’s Hall, a co-educational residence housing up to 600 students under the management of St Andrew’s Junior College, as our official Boarding House.Please click here for details about this facility.

All new students who do not live with their parents or a direct blood relative (e.g., an actual Uncle, Aunt or Grandparent) are required to live at St Andrew’s Hall. This is a condition of acceptance into our school. We would also like to encourage boarding for local students whose parents are often away on business.

St Andrew’s Hall offers an outstanding level of residential living at a very competitive price. The boarding facility includes a communal study centre, gymnasium, dance studio and music room. Students are also allowed to use St Andrew’s wider recreational facilities. Members of our teaching team will be Residential Mentors at St. Andrew’s Hall allowing us direct school supervision in the boarding house.

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Теннисный корт
Футбольное поле
Баскетбольное поле
Волейбольное поле
Комната искусств
Тренажерный зал
Компьютерный класс
Музыкальная комната
Танцевальная студия
Научная комната

Обучение и плата

Сколько стоит обучение в школе St. Joseph’s Institution International?

Студенты дневного отделения

Elementary School Fees range from $36,686 - $36,950 SGD || High School Fees range from $37,130 - $39,850 SGD

Студенты интерната

Boarding is available from Grade 9 onwards. SJI International has appointed St Andrew’s Hall, a co-educational residence housing up to 600 students under the management of St Andrew’s Junior College, as our official Boarding House. The cost is $930 per month. Students will travel to the school via public transport. Breakfast and dinner are provided on all school days. Three meals per day are provided at weekends and during holidays.

Что нужно знать

Этап зачисления

Prep 1 & 2, Grade 1 to 12

Сколько студентов в St. Joseph’s Institution International?

2044 студенты

Соотношение между студентами и преподавателями

1 : 10



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SJI International, a Lasallian Catholic school in Singapore, provides a comprehensive, values-centered international education to a diverse student body of over 2,000 students from more than 40 nationalities.

Today, the school celebrates a community of over 2,000 students across two schools on one campus. The High School admits both Singaporean and international students in Grades 7 – 12 (ages 12 – 18), while the Elementary School caters to expatriate children from pre-school Prep 1 – 2 (ages 4 turning 5 – 6) and Grade 1 – 6 (ages 7 – 12).


Теннисный корт
Футбольное поле
Баскетбольное поле
Волейбольное поле
Комната искусств
Тренажерный зал
Компьютерный класс
Музыкальная комната
Танцевальная студия
Научная комната

7 отзывов

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Contact the school


St. Joseph’s Institution International

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This contact form is for parents interested in applying their children to the school. For any job application please contact the school directly from their website.

This school doesn't offer scholarships, please only use this contact form if you are interested in applying your children without scholarship.

(7 отзывов)