Ecole d’Humanité

Берн, Европа, западная Европа


В Эколь д'Гуманите, окруженной внушающими благоговение вершинами Швейцарских Альп, живут студенты и преподаватели из 25 стран. Потрясающая природа создает благоприятную среду для обучения и предоставляет исключительные возможности для пеших прогулок, катания на лыжах, скалолазания и других видов активного отдыха. Наши 120 студентов живут в небольших «семьях» по 8-10 человек, каждую из которых возглавляют...
Тип школы
Возрастной диапазон

Совместное обучение


20 nacionalidades diferentes

Годовая плата за обучение
Количество студентов

100 estudantes


Fundado en 1934



Академические науки

US university-prep curriculum, including AP courses and AP International Diploma.

Swiss Matura

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Учебная программа
Язык обучения
Иностранные языки

Внеклассная работа

Over 80 courses in Outdoor Adventure Education, Performance and Visual Arts, Workshops, Handwork

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Обучение и плата

Сколько стоит обучение в школе Ecole d’Humanité?

Что нужно знать

Этап зачисления

Middle School - Postgraduate

Сколько студентов в Ecole d’Humanité?

100 студенты

Соотношение между студентами и преподавателями

1 : 6

Особые потребности


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Ecole d’Humanité



Surrounded by the awe-inspiring peaks of the Swiss Alps, the Ecole d’Humanité is home to students and teachers from 25 countries. The stunning natural setting provides a wholesome learning environment and exceptional opportunities for hiking, skiing, climbing, and other outdoor activities. Our 120 students live in small “families,” of 8-10 students, each headed by two or three teachers. The Ecole strives to realize an environmentally responsible lifestyle. By limiting material and electronic consumerism we create a space where students can engage directly and honestly with other people and with the natural world.

We offer a US university-prep curriculum as well as a Swiss academic program, including the Swiss Matura. Instruction in the US program is in English and in the Swiss program in German. Our academic approach promotes meaningful understanding rather than surface knowledge. Small classes (average of 6 students per class) allow for individualized instruction and demand active participation. We are an official testing center for the College Board SAT exams and for exams leading to the Advanced Placement International Diploma. Recent graduates of the US program have been accepted to Berklee School of Music, Bryn Mawr, Fordham University, Goucher, Kings College London, Les Roches, Muhlenberg College, Quest, Sarah Lawrence, Penn State, Perdue University, Reed College, Royal Halloway – University of London, Sarah Lawrence, University of St. Andrews, University of Sussex and many more excellent universities in the US, UK and around the world. Graduates of the Swiss Matura gain entrance into all Swiss universities.

To balance the intensive academic program, students devote afternoons to the arts, sports, and practical work. Blacksmithing, skiing or snowboarding, woodworking, pottery, rock-climbing, theater, kayaking, dance, music, gardening, and animal husbandry are just a few of the fields students can choose to explore. Special focus areas include our Outdoor Education Program, Farm and Goat projects, and Arts Programs, including outstanding opportunities to pursue visual and performance art. Twice a year the school sets out in small groups on 6-day hikes into the mountains of Switzerland and Italy.

Our School Program is accredited by Cognia.



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Ecole d’Humanité

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This contact form is for parents interested in applying their children to the school. For any job application please contact the school directly from their website.

This school doesn't offer scholarships, please only use this contact form if you are interested in applying your children without scholarship.

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