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The Swiss International Scientific School in Dubai (SISD) is a leading international day and boarding school where future generations are inspired to become confident and enthusiastic lifelong learners, ready to embrace the opportunities and challenges of a global world. SISD provides an inspiring, inclusive and challenging learning environment while celebrating academic excellence. We encourage and sup...
Tipo de escola
Faixa etária



88 nacionalidades diferentes

Propinas anuais
Nr de estudantes

1550 estudantes


Fundado em 2015


CIS, IB Accredited

Língua de instrução
Línguas estrangeiras ensinadas

Propinas e taxas

Quanto custa estudar na Swiss International School Dubai?

Coisas a saber

Fase de inscrição

PreKG – Grade 12

Quantos alunos existem em Swiss International School Dubai?

1550 estudantes

Relação aluno-professor

1 : 15


Com base em 0 revisões
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Swiss International School Dubai - Dubai, UAE Day & Boarding School - - Avaliações e taxas 2025

Perguntas frequentes sobre Swiss International School Dubai

The Swiss International Scientific School in Dubai (SISD) is a leading international day and boarding school where future generations are inspired to become confident and enthusiastic lifelong learners, ready to embrace the opportunities and challenges of a global world.
This institution has a total enrollment of 1550 students.

Tuition fees for Swiss International School Dubai range from 53000 to 99000 AED per year

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The Swiss International Scientific School in Dubai (SISD) is a leading international day and boarding school where future generations are inspired to become confident and enthusiastic lifelong learners, ready to embrace the opportunities and challenges of a global world.

SISD provides an inspiring, inclusive and challenging learning environment while celebrating academic excellence. We encourage and support all our students to become successful, global minded, enthusiastic lifelong learners who will confidently take advantage of future opportunities and help make a difference. Together with our teaching staff and parents, we support our students to develop their potential fully in a motivating, multilingual and international learning environment.

Our unique international and multilingual environment provides students with authentic exposure to English, French, German and Arabic. Students in the immersive bilingual programmes learn to communicate, think and reflect in two different languages.

We have a world-class campus and superb sporting. teaching and performing arts facilities. We are based in the heart of Dubai, close to the largest airport hub in the world, and central to all the main leisure and entertainment options in the city. Dubai was recently voted as one of the safest cities in the world, and has been accredited for its handling of the covid pandemic.

Our boarding houses are unique, purpose-built and situated on the school campus. Every student has their own en-suite bedroom, and can also use the communal lounge areas, and all the sports facilities across the school during their leisure time. The sporting facilities include a 50m Olympic-sized pool, indoor and outdoor running tracks, football pitches, tennis courts, beach volleyball, short tennis courts, basketball and badminton courts and a full size Techno Gym and cardio suite.


Sala de jantar
Salas de aula
Campo de futebol
Quadra de basquete
Sala de artes
Sala de informática
Sala de música
Pista de corrida
Sala de ciências

0 comentários

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Swiss International School Dubai

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This contact form is for parents interested in applying their children to the school. For any job application please contact the school directly from their website.

This school doesn't offer scholarships, please only use this contact form if you are interested in applying your children without scholarship.

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