Colegio Mestral
- da 6500
- a 6600
736 studenti
Fondata nel 2001
We offer an educational project that promotes the culture of our islands and includes a linguistic project with Spanish and English as the vehicular languages of the center. We promote values, attitudes and teaching-learning methodologies that favor intellectual curiosity, the desire to excel and personal improvement, the ability to work in groups, the acquisition of attitudes and solidly consolidated scientific knowledge. Mastery of new technologies as learning tools and transmission of knowledge. We try to educate based on values that integrate the ethical, civic and intellectual formation of each student, so that they assimilate and internalize as habits the norms of education, civility and respect that allow them to live and coexist in society.
At Colegio Mestral, the educational stages that cover from 3 years to the pre-university course are offered:
- Early Years
- Primary
- Secondary
- Spanish Baccalaureate
The Mestral school has a wide variety of extracurricular activities aimed at developing the talent and passions of its students. Sports, art, robotics, and crafts are just some of the areas that each year students have the opportunity to explore and improve.
Campo da calcio
Campo da basket
Campo da pallavolo
Sala delle arti
Sala computer
Sala di musica
Studio di danza
Sala delle scienze
Tasse scolastiche e contributi
Quanto costa studiare alla Colegio Mestral?
- La retta di questa scuola varia da 6500
- a 6600
- EUR all'anno.
All year
Cose da sapere
Quanti studenti ci sono Colegio Mestral?
736 studenti