Geneva English School
- da 3
- a 18 anni
50 nazionalità diverse
- da 15680
- a 35495
330 studenti
Fondata nel 1961
COBIS (the Council of British International Schools), IAPS (the Independent Association of Preparatory Schools), AGEP (Association Genevoise des Ecoles Privées), FSEP (Fédération Suisse des Ecoles Privées) and SGIS (The Swiss Group of International Schools).
GES teaches the British National Curriculum adapted for our international cohort from ages 3 to 18 with a wide number of GCSE and IGCSE courses followed by A Levels.
Our Teaching & Learning approach is second to none and supported by continuous, modern development of all of our teaching bodies.
Students not only learn crucial subject content, but also develop their individual, often unique, talents. Learning focuses on developing key skills such as creatively solving problems, confidently communicating ideas, working collaboratively, and approaching tasks in an open-minded way. These are threads that bind the whole curriculum and equip our young people for a rapidly changing world in which creativity, confidence, adaptability and collaboration will be vital attributes.
We offer over 80 different extra curricular clubs and after-school activities across the entire school, including Outdoor clubs and the very popular Duke of Edinburgh International Award programme. Ski lessons, for example, are offered from Year 1 onwards.
The activities help equip students with a range of important skills and attributes such as commitment, creativity and craftsmanship. Most of them are run by our enthusiastic staff members at no extra cost, while there are a few paid activities taught by external specialist teachers.
Individual music lessons are catered for by a team of visiting music teachers.
Wednesday afternoons at Primary school are dedicated to various classes of our Languages and Sports Academies.
Campo da basket
Sala delle arti
Sala computer
Sala di musica
Studio di danza
Sala delle scienze
Tasse scolastiche e contributi
Quanto costa studiare alla Geneva English School?
- La retta di questa scuola varia da 15680
- a 35495
- CHF all'anno.
Cose da sapere
year-round enrollment / rolling admissions
Quanti studenti ci sono Geneva English School?
330 studenti
- Loro esistono 330
- studenti iscritti a Geneva English School
- In 50 nazionalità diverse
Nurse on campus / dedicated School doctor close by