The British School of Guangzhou
- De 91000
- à 281000
Founded in 2005
English National Curriculum; IGCSEs, A-levels
Activités extrascolaires
Through our After School Activity (ASA) programme at BSG, our students across all ages and year groups get involved in a variety of creative, active, service, and academic groups or opportunities on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
From their chosen ASAs, our students can go on to represent BSG at various events and competitions, such as the Model United Nations, Global Campus Debate League, sports teams, FOBISIA, chess competitions, or musical performances. They can even be chosen to take part in events connected with our world-class collaborations with The Juilliard School in New York and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
From Year 4 upwards, students who have participated in each of the four areas of (1) being creative, (2) being active, (3) contributing service, and (4) being academic throughout the year in the after-school programme will receive the CASA Award Certificate. This award showcases their high level of commitment, willingness to learn new skills, and an inner drive to succeed which can be used in applications to colleges, universities, and jobs for older students.
Terrain de football
Salle d'art
Salle de sport
Salle informatique
Salle de musique
Studio de danse
Salle de sciences
Frais de scolarité annuels
Combien coûtent les études à The British School of Guangzhou?
- Les frais de scolarité de cette école varient de 91000
- à 281000
- CNY par an.