The British International School Abu Dhabi

The British International School Abu Dhabi
- from 3
- to 18 years old
90 different nationalities
- from 50300
- to 71040
2200 students
Founded in 2009
Cambridge and Pearson Edexcel IGCSE, International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) and BTEC Diploma
English National Curriculum coupled with the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme and BTEC Diploma in Years 12 and 13
Extra curricular
IGCSE PE Club, Running Club, Tap Dance, Maths Revision, Secondary Choir, Football, Primary Kick Boxing, Boys Football, Boys Basketball, Touch Rugby, Cricket, Swim Fit, Yoga Club, Secondary Yoga Club,, University applications and advice, Mindfulness colouring club, School Production, Chess Club – Beginners, Chess Club -Intermidiate, Maths Club, Homework Club, Gardening, Mini Momentum Dance Company, Beginner Photography, Arabic Conversation, Lego Club, Film Club, Order of the Phoenix, Board Games, Primary Service Leaders, Scratch- Computer programming, Knitting/Crochet, Construction Club, Magic Maths, Science Homework Club, Boys Boxing Training, Arabic support for beginner, Art and product design appreciation – iPads, Movie Club, Play, Explore, Talk!, Origami, Modern Dance, Secondary Service, Leaders, Which is better the book or the movie?, Secondary Book Club, Debate Club, German conversation club, Design Technology, Duke of Edinburgh Club, Art craft (recycling), Vocal Club, Maths Studies club, SL Maths Club, STEAM Club, PADI Seal Team, Scuba Diving, Boys Football, Netball, Science and Photography, English Club, Story Club, KS1 Art Club, Homework Club, Recreational Badminton, Arabic Songs and Stories, Quran Club, Junior Momentum Dance Company, Touch Typing, Media crew, Funky Fingers, Art skills, Lego Robotics (Hydro Dynamics), Recycled Art, Orchestra, Little Stars Production, Card Club, Karate, Boys Basketball, Touch Rugby, Spanish IGCSE course, Irish Dancing, Homework plus French and Spanish Support, Press club, Body weight gym, Yearbook Club, IGSCE Drama Club, Art Club, Homework Club, Senior Momentum Dance Company, Sewing Club, Lego Robotics, Bookworms, Dough Disco (Playdough Club), Gaelic GO Games, Sewing with Arabic arts, Puppet Making, EXPO 2020, Card making, Arts and Crafts, Netball, Cooking, Gymnastics, Literacy Planet, Homework Club, Origami Art, Ballet, Kick Boxing, Volleyball, Girls Football, Secondary Rugby, Hacklab (G&T), French
Swimming pool
Soccer court
Basketball court
Volleyball court
Arts room
Computer room
Music room
Running track
Science room
Tuition and fees per year
How much does it cost to go to The British International School Abu Dhabi?
- from 50300
- to 71040
Things to know
Early Years Foundation Stage - FS1 Nursery & FS2 (ages 3 to 5), Key Stage 1 - Years 1 & 2 (ages 5 to 7), Key Stage 2 - Years 3-6 (ages 7 to 11), Key Stage 3 - Years 7-9 (ages 11 to 14), Key Stage 4 - Years 10 & 11 (ages 14 to 16), IB Diploma Programme - Years 12 & 13 (ages 16 to 18)
How many students are in The British International School Abu Dhabi?
2200 students
- In total, The British International School Abu Dhabi enrolls
- 2200 students from
- 90 different nationalities.
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