North Broward Preparatory School, A Nord Anglia Education School

North Broward Preparatory School, A Nord Anglia Education School
- من 3
- إلى 18 يو
التعليم المختلط
24جنسيات مختلفة
- من62650
- إلى68250
أسس في 1957
Florida Council of Independent SchoolsSouthern Association of Colleges and SchoolsAdvancED
• English-Speaking of Other Languages (ESOL)• International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IB)• American High School Diploma
أجور التعليم ورسومه
كم تكلفة الدراسة فيNorth Broward Preparatory School, A Nord Anglia Education School?
- من 62650
- ل 68250
أشياء يجب معرفتها
US grades Pr K through 12
كم عدد الطلاب فيNorth Broward Preparatory School, A Nord Anglia Education School?
- في المجموع،North Broward Preparatory School, A Nord Anglia Education School يسجل
- 1650 الطلاب من
- 24جنسيات مختلفة.
I loved participating in Macy Sullivan’s class. It let us explore concepts that we don’t usually cover in everyday classes. Like all of the guest artists who participate in the Juilliard collaboration, she has so much information and unique insight when teaching that made the class a very educational and enjoyable experience.
Killian, France
Teachers are great here. In other schools that I’ve gone to, they never taught like here. At North Broward Preparatory School, they focus on you as an individual.