International School of Geneva

يوم مدرسي
أوروبا, أوروبا الغربية, جنيف


تأسست مدرسة إيكولنت، وهي أول مدرسة دولية في العالم، بعد الحرب العالمية الأولى في عام 1924 على يد أصحاب رؤية ذات رسالة جريئة: إنشاء مدرسة مكرسة للسلام. إن التزامنا الثابت بهذه الرؤية يحتفي بالقيمة المتساوية لكل إنسان ويعزز الصداقات بين العلماء الشباب من أكثر من 143 جنسية مختلفة. في إيكولنت، نسعى جاهدين لاكتشاف المواهب الفريدة في كل طفل ورعايتها، ومساعدته على تحويل هذه المواهب إلى مواهب. إن خريجينا من ا...
نوع المدرسة
الفئة العمرية

التعليم المختلط


143جنسيات مختلفة

رسوم سنوية
عدد الطلاب



أسس في 1924


Council of International Schools (CIS) and the Middle States Association (MSA)

أجور التعليم ورسومه

كم تكلفة الدراسة فيInternational School of Geneva?

الرسوم الدراسية النهارية

Tuition fees include books and teaching material.Tuition Fees do not include in particular the following:• Capital Development Funding of CHF 500 (for capital cost and equipment)• Tutorial fees including “World Languages”, which can be obtained from school secretaries• Fees for external examinations including the International Baccalaureate and Maturité suisse• Study and cultural trips (e.g. field week) and winter sports outings• Transport and restaurant services*• Extra-curricular activities• All other courses, lessons etc. not included in the mandatory programmeBursaries:The Bursary Committee can allocate financial assistance, with the funds available, to those who may encounter temporary financial difficulties. Application forms may be obtained from the Finance Director’s office. Bursaries are for one year only and are for students who are already attending the International School of Geneva.Multi-Child Discount:For parents who have three or more children attending the School, a reduction of the tuition fees is granted upon request. This discount is: 10% for the third child, 15% for the fourth child and 20% for each additional child. Forms can be obtained from the Accounting Department. Application must be renewedbefore the start of each new school year and no retroactivity of this allowance will be granted for school years preceding the current one. (For the eligibility to that discount, a student enrolled in the ESP pedagogical stream counts as 2 children attending the School).
عرض الرسوم الدراسية طوال اليوم

أشياء يجب معرفتها

مرحلة التسجيل

All year round

كم عدد الطلاب فيInternational School of Geneva?


الصحة والأمان

The Foundation of the International School of Geneva subscribes to the Convention on the Rights of the Child, of which the host country Switzerland is a State party and commits to promote and defend the rights of its students to physical and psychological wellbeing.At Ecolint, we prioritise the safety and well-being of every child in our care above all else. In line with this commitment we review annually our Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy (available on our website), to ensure that every child at Ecolint feels safe, valued, and empowered to thrive.

نسبة الطلاب إلى المعلمين


الاحتياجات الخاصة


على أساس 0 التصنيفات
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مشاركة هذه المدرسة مع العائلة والأصدقاء

بريد إلكتروني



Ecolint, the world’s first international school, was founded after WWI in 1924 by visionaries with a bold mission: to create a school dedicated to peace. Our unwavering commitment to this vision celebrates the equal value of every human being and fosters friendships among young scholars from over 143 different nationalities.

At Ecolint, we strive to uncover and nurture the unique gifts in every child, helping them transform these gifts into talents. Our alumni, extraordinary individuals who have made significant impacts globally, are a testament to the life-changing experience offered at Ecolint.

Ecolint is the birthplace of the Model United Nations system, the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme, and most recently, in collaboration with UNESCO, the Ecolint Learner Passport. This innovative passport celebrates the comprehensive learning experience of students, recognizing competencies across lifelong learning, self-agency, collaboration, and transdisciplinarity.

With exceptional academic results and a dedicated, highly qualified faculty, we are committed to each student’s learning journey, ensuring they thrive in a world that increasingly values inclusion, sustainability, and peace.



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الحرم الجامعي

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International School of Geneva

بيانات المتصل

بيانات المتصل
اسم العائلة
بريد إلكتروني *


من خلال تحديد الزر أدناه، أوافق على سياسة الخصوصية.

This contact form is for parents interested in applying their children to the school. For any job application please contact the school directly from their website.

This school doesn't offer scholarships, please only use this contact form if you are interested in applying your children without scholarship.

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