Greene’s College Oxford

يوم مدرسي
أوروبا, أوروبا الغربية, البرتغال


نقدم لك الحرم الجامعي العصري الجديد في برينسيبي ريال، أكثر المناطق تميزاً في لشبونة. سُمِّيَ حي برينسيبي ريال (الأمير الملكي) على اسم د. بيدرو الخامس، وهو أكثر المناطق أناقةً وتميزاً في لشبونة. بمساحاتها الخضراء التي لا حدود لها، وهندستها المعمارية الساحرة والفخمة، ومطاعمها الراقية اللذيذة والتسوّق اللذيذ، هناك دائماً شيء جديد يمكنك اكتشافه. ويقع بين الحديقة النباتية في لشبونة والمتحف الوطني للتاريخ ا...
نوع المدرسة
الفئة العمرية

التعليم المختلط


15جنسيات مختلفة

رسوم سنوية
عدد الطلاب



أسس في 1967


Cambridge International School & Pearson Edexcel Centre, JCQ Centre


British Curriculum – IGCSE & A Levels

أظهر المزيد
لغة التعليمات
تدريس اللغات الأجنبية

لا صفية

انغمس في الحياة الاجتماعية الطلابية النابضة بالحياة في جرينز. انضم إلى مجموعة متنوعة من النوادي المختلفة، بما في ذلك: اللجنة الاجتماعية الطلابية، والبودكاست السينمائي، والتصوير الفوتوغرافي، والأنمي، وغيرها. تكتمل النوادي الأسبوعية برحلات مثيرة إلى المتاحف ودور السينما والأوبرا وحتى غرف الهروب. اكتشف شغفًا جديدًا وكوِّن صداقات دائمة في بيئة تغذي النمو الأكاديمي والشخصي.

تقع اللجنة الاجتماعية الطلابية في قلب الحياة الاجتماعية في جرين – وهي صوت الجسم الطلابي. في هذه الاجتماعات الأسبوعية، يمكنك مشاركة الأفكار والاهتمامات والاهتمامات والطلبات والأفكار الجديدة للنوادي والتخطيط للفعاليات والمزيد. للمشاركة، في بداية كل فصل دراسي، يمكنك الترشح لأحد المناصب المرموقة في الانتخابات: الرئيس، ونائب الرئيس، والسكرتير الاجتماعي والثقافي، وأمين الصندوق، ومسؤول الإعلام والدعاية، وغير ذلك.

أظهر المزيد

أجور التعليم ورسومه

كم تكلفة الدراسة فيGreene’s College Oxford?

الرسوم الدراسية النهارية

A levels: annual Fee (30 academic weeks) from €7,500 to €19,800 iGCSEs: from €2,200 (1 IGCSE/ 1 term) to €22,000 euros (5 IGCSEs/ 3 terms).
عرض الرسوم الدراسية طوال اليوم

أشياء يجب معرفتها

مرحلة التسجيل

iGCSEs and Upper Secondary - Sixth Form | Grade 9 - 13

كم عدد الطلاب فيGreene’s College Oxford?


نسبة الطلاب إلى المعلمين

3 : 1

الاحتياجات الخاصة


على أساس 0 التصنيفات
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مشاركة هذه المدرسة مع العائلة والأصدقاء

بريد إلكتروني



Greene’s College Oxford delivers British A levels & IGCSEs from the heart of Oxford to wherever you are in the world. Our educational philosophy is based on a simple assumption: if a student’s course is tailored to suit their unique qualities and needs, they are more likely to be successful. While our Flagship campus is in Oxford, England, students also have the option to study at our campuses in Portugal. Greene’s College International offers online tuition for International A levels, IGCSEs, A level Retakes, Foundation Years & more. Greene’s is excited to be bringing the tutorial method style of learning to Oxford, Estoril, and the world.

What is Greene’s College Oxford like? Greene’s offers a full-time, university-style sixth form education, in Oxford, England and Lisbon & Estoril, Portugal – with academic oversight resting with the Oxford college. In Portugal, Greene’s is the first tutorial college and the foremost sixth form college in the Lisbon area. Greene’s is also the oldest tutorial college in Oxford, and quite possibly in the U.K. At Greene’s, students are taught and supervised by our outstanding educators and academics, all trained to deliver the very best education, and to guide students towards the highest grades – while maintaining the greatest regard for student welfare and wellbeing. Every student is allocated a Personal Tutor, in addition to the academic specialists, who guides, mentors and encourages the student throughout his or her time at Greene’s, enabling students to grow personally as well as academically. Most courses at Greene’s are delivered to students individually or in very small groups, with some work in larger seminars.

‘Independent’ and ‘individual’ are widely used adjectives in education, however Greene’s has been truly committed to the tutorial method of learning for over 55 years, and has invested much time, technology and expertise to ensure that students really benefit from a philosophy of teaching and learning that continues to be used in the most ancient of universities. At Greene’s students are very much in control of their studies and have access to a stream of information about their progress, feedback from tutors, realistic assessments of their likely achievement, together with the reassurance of their Personal Tutor to talk through their personal academic strategy. As our inspecting regulators ISI (the Independent Schools’ Inspectorate) report: “The quality of the curriculum, teaching and learners’ achievements is excellent.”

Would Greene’s College Oxford be suitable for my child? Perhaps one question to ask before considering Greene’s as a sixth form destination is whether your child is ready to study in a university-style setting. Our aim is to bring all our students to the realisation that, fully supported and guided, they can be independent learners, and that they have potential in areas that may surprise them. Greene’s makes no selection based on academic ability, and we pride ourselves on helping a wide variety of students: for those tackling iGCSEs or A levels for the first time, for those wanting a change of direction or a second chance, and for those who want a flexible timetable, for example elite sports people with intense training programmes, or those wishing to pursue an additional academic subject unavailable at their current or previous school.

How can I apply to Greene’s College Oxford? In order to ensure students are enrolled on the most suitable courses for them, each potential student is required to submit an application form (to be found on our website), then interviewed, references taken and a programme of study carefully discussed – and whether the location is to be Oxford, Estoril, or online.



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الحرم الجامعي

Greene's College Oxford

Greene’s College Oxford, Estoril

R. Dom Afonso Henriques, 2765-576 Estoril, Portugal

Greene’s College Oxford, Lisbon

Rua da Escola Politécnica, N°38 3° piso, Príncipe Real, 1250-102, Lisboa, Portugal
اتصل بالمدرسة


Greene’s College Oxford

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بيانات المتصل
اسم العائلة
بريد إلكتروني *


من خلال تحديد الزر أدناه، أوافق على سياسة الخصوصية.

This contact form is for parents interested in applying their children to the school. For any job application please contact the school directly from their website.

This school doesn't offer scholarships, please only use this contact form if you are interested in applying your children without scholarship.

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