IB(国际文凭组织)组织最初是为了应对当时可用的学校系统缺乏灵活性而成立的,现已发展成为国际文凭组织之一最受推崇的国际课程——得到全球 100 多个国家的认可。英国和北美的许多主要大学都高度重视拥有 IB 文凭的未来学生。在《每日电讯报》的一篇文章中,爱德华国王学校退休校长约翰·克劳顿 (John Claugthon) 阐述了世界各地学校选择提供 IB 文凭课程的一些原因。他指出该项目的广度是其主要动机之一:“IB学校认为,狭隘专业化领域的旧做法已经不再适用。”
许多顶尖大学都同意这一点,并且越来越多的大学正在修改招生标准以吸引更多的 IB 毕业生。除其他例子外,克劳顿还提到了伦敦国王学院,并指出该大学 20% 的新本科生是 IB 学生。如果您正在寻找一种既能激励您、挑战您,又需要努力学习的教育,那么国际文凭学校是您的最佳选择。世界各地的教育专家都同意出国留学的许多好处。国家的选择将取决于个人喜好,但任何目的地都会让学生体验新的文化,结识国际朋友,建立更多的独立性和信心,发展新的语言技能,扩大社交网络并增加未来的职业机会。
西班牙 10 强 IB 学校
提供国际文凭课程的学校在西班牙非常受欢迎。探索西班牙排名前 10 的 IB 学校。
King’s College, The British School of Madrid is a British school located in the Soto de Viñuelas neighbourhood in Tres Cantos, Madrid.
St. Peter’s school is the only school in Barcelona with the IB Continuum taught in English. We offer the three International Baccalaureate programmes: Early and Primary Years, Middle Years and Diploma Programme.
The Global College is a co-educational day and boarding school for 15 to 18-year-olds, offering an innovative IB Diploma Programme, anchored in the history and values of IE University.
The International College Spain, Madrid is the only school in Madrid to offer the three prestigious IB programmes, providing students with a stimulating academic curriculum in a caring environment.
International School San Patricio Toledo offers an International Education in the heart of Spain.
The BSC, Spain offers exceptional education in English for International and local students. Our curriculum is based on the best international systems, including iGCSE´s and the IB Diploma.
Founded in 1982 by a group of teachers, Mirabal International School is a private, co-educational and non-religious school with more than 1,800 students distributed between the nursery, primary, secondary and sixth form school stages.
Yago School is an innovative IB day school (Ages 0 to 18) and the only Boarding School in Sevilla.