The British International School Ukraine

The British International School Ukraine


As Ukraine’s most prestigious international school our priorities are the care and wellbeing of each child, service to our parents and support for the community.We have established a strong reputation as a friendly and caring environment with a commitment to quality. At BISU we focus on high academic attainment and a curriculum which is broad, balanced and designed to meet the individual needs of our chi...
Tipo de escola
Faixa etária



26 nacionalidades diferentes

Propinas anuais
Nr de estudantes

600 estudantes


Fundado em 1997


COBIS, Cambridge International Examinations, Edexcel, IBDP, IBPYP


International Baccalaureate, British Curriculum, Others

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Quanto custa estudar na The British International School Ukraine?

Coisas a saber

Fase de inscrição

Early Years Foundation Stage, Primary, Secondary, Sixth Form

Quantos alunos existem em The British International School Ukraine?

600 estudantes

Relação aluno-professor

1 : 5


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As Ukraine’s most prestigious international school our priorities are the care and wellbeing of each child, service to our parents and support for the community.We have established a strong reputation as a friendly and caring environment with a commitment to quality. At BISU we focus on high academic attainment and a curriculum which is broad, balanced and designed to meet the individual needs of our children. We know that excellent results are important, but our children must also be happy and know they are listened to and cherished.Academic results are high and, in addition to ensuring educational excellence and outstanding achievement, our aim is to develop the abilities, traits and life-skills that will help our students persevere with setbacks and positively contribute to the wider community.Our graduates will progress and figure prominently as leaders in politics, science, business and the arts and therefore, we nurture the development of the shared British and International values and virtues that are vital for them to fulfil their potential and realise their dreams.Although we have over 30 nationalities represented we know that such numbers alone do not make a school international. Therefore, we embrace a commitment to internationalism and interculturalism by recognising what we have in common and exploring what is different; to promote tolerance, morality and a deeper understanding of the world around us.It has been said that the development of our school in many ways mirrors that of this wonderful country – with each having a long heritage and strong traditions. Now, both are looking to the future with high aspirations and each has the talent, creativity and determination to achieve great things.BISU is a place where we want people to feel that they belong, are valued and look forward to coming to school each day. Learning is an exciting and amazing adventure. We guarantee, you will always be welcome if you would like to come along and join us on our journey.



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The British International School Ukraine

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