
A Smiling International School é acreditada pelo Ministério da Educação italiano e é também uma International Baccalaureate® World School autorizada a oferecer o Programa de Diploma IB. Na Smiling International School, o nosso objetivo é nutrir, inspirar e educar todas as crianças para que alcancem o seu melhor. O nosso objetivo é proporcionar aos nossos alunos uma experiência educativa ampla, criativa ...
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18 nacionalidades diferentes

Propinas anuais
Nr de estudantes

450 estudantes


Fundado em 1998


Cambridge School Preparation Center


A Smiling International School é uma “Scuola Paritaria” em Ferrara: ensinamos o currículo ministerial italiano em inglês através de métodos de ensino modernos e interdisciplinares.

Os nossos professores preparam os alunos (6-18 anos) para a certificação CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Language) em inglês (Cambridge), espanhol (DELE) e chinês (HSK) como parte integrante dos vários currículos.

A Smiling International School oferece dois percursos de Ensino Secundário:

– o Liceu Linguístico, com a duração de 4 anos, que combina o estudo das línguas com disciplinas de atualidade como Gestão, Pensamento Crítico, Matemática e Física;
– a Escola Secundária Tecnológica de 4 anos, a nova fronteira para estudos altamente especializados em tecnologia, informática e disciplinas STEM

A Smiling International School também oferece o Programa de Diploma IB.

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Língua de instrução
Línguas estrangeiras ensinadas

Extra curricular

Smiling International School offers the opportunity for extra-curricular activities within both campuses at the end of the school day.

Every year, we try to give our students the opportunity to pursue their passions from the comfort of school at the end of their classes!

Basketball and Mini Basketball classes, Sports Dance, Digital Painting and Yoga are some of the many activities offered each year.

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Nossos alunos (mínimo de 14 anos de idade) podem solicitar acomodação em nosso internato no campus de Roversella. A Smiling International School oferece um espaço seguro para os alunos, que são supervisionados pelo nosso tutor designado.

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Propinas e taxas

Quanto custa estudar na Smiling International School?

Alunos em regime de internato

Boarding students applying for the IB Diploma Programme may be eligible for a partial scholarship covering up to 15% of the tuition fee. The scholarship is awarded on the basis of the student's motivation as demonstrated in a one-to-one interview with the Programme Coordinator and on the basis of the student's last two years' school reports.

Coisas a saber

Fase de inscrição

Enrolment is open all year round

Quantos alunos existem em Smiling International School?

450 estudantes

Necessidades especiais


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Smiling International School is accredited by the Italian Ministry of Education and it is also an International Baccalaureate® World School authorised to offer the IB Diploma Programme.

At Smiling International School, we aim to nurture, inspire and educate all children to achieve their personal best. Our goal is to provide our students with a broad, creative and well-balanced educational experience which prepares them to be citizens of the world.

Our School is based on two campuses, both in the center of Ferrara, a beautiful town in the Emilia Romagna region. The Porta Mare Campus hosts the Early Years (2-5 years old) and the first 3 years of the Primary School. The students of the last two years of Primary School, the Secondary School, the High Schools and the IB Diploma Programme are in the Ercole I D’Este campus.



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Smiling International School

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Ao selecionar o botão abaixo, concordo com a Política de Privacidade.

This contact form is for parents interested in applying their children to the school. For any job application please contact the school directly from their website.

This school doesn't offer scholarships, please only use this contact form if you are interested in applying your children without scholarship.

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