
Empowering children to face the complex challenges of their future. At OBS, we create more than just a school - we build a vibrant community where both children and parents find their Swiss home. Our unique blend of Swiss and Anglo education creates an environment where Swiss and international families flourish together. Your child will experience the best of both worlds: Swiss educational excellence a...
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34 nacionalidades diferentes

Propinas anuais
Nr de estudantes

450 estudantes


Fundado em 2003


NEASC, IB World School, Swiss Matura,


True bilingual education (German/English)

Starting from age 3, students are immersed in both languages through a carefully structured program. Native-speaking teachers deliver content in both languages equally throughout the day, ensuring students develop authentic fluency and literacy in German and English. This bilingual mastery opens doors to top universities worldwide and gives students a significant advantage in the global marketplace.

Integration of Swiss and international curricula

The curriculum thoughtfully blends Swiss educational excellence with international best practices. This unique integration ensures students meet Swiss academic standards while developing the global competencies valued by universities and employers worldwide. The approach provides flexibility for students pursuing either Swiss or international university pathways.

Focus on future skills (AI, coding, digital literacy)

Students engage with cutting-edge technology through dedicated programs in coding, robotics, and AI. Digital literacy is woven throughout the curriculum, ensuring students are comfortable with emerging technologies. Project work emphasizes innovation and creative problem-solving using digital tools. The school stays current with technological trends, regularly updating its programs to reflect industry developments.

Strong academic outcomes and university placement

OBS students consistently achieve excellent academic results, with virtually all graduates gaining admission to their chosen universities. The rigorous curriculum combines with comprehensive university counseling to ensure students are well-prepared for higher education. Regular tracking of alumni success demonstrates the long-term value of an OBS education.


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Extra curricular

OBS offers a rich tapestry of clubs and extra-curricular activities that enhance students’ academic, creative, and personal development beyond the classroom. Our specialized academies – Ocean & Life Explorers, Space Agency, and Film Academy – provide deep dives into future-focused fields, while various sports programs, including our unique Aikido program, promote physical well-being and mental discipline. Students can explore their interests through diverse clubs ranging from robotics and programming to creative arts workshops. For language enhancement, we offer additional language support and conversation clubs in both German and English. STEAMS enthusiasts can participate in coding clubs, science competitions, and research projects, while creatively inclined students can join diverse art clubs and music ensembles. These activities are strategically scheduled to complement the academic curriculum, with options available after school, and during vacation periods through specialized camps and workshops. Each club and activity is led by qualified instructors who bring professional expertise to their programs, ensuring students receive high-quality instruction that builds valuable skills for their future academic and professional success.

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Propinas e taxas

Quanto custa estudar na OBS / Obersee Bilingual School?

Coisas a saber

Fase de inscrição

Admission to OBS is possible at any time, even during the school year. For admission to grades 5 and up, we require submission of written test results. We do not require a written entrance test for admission to grade 5 and up. We conduct a potential and personality analysis and decide on this basis whether we will accept a child. The same applies to admission to our Middle and Upper School.

Quantos alunos existem em OBS / Obersee Bilingual School?

450 estudantes

Saúde e segurança

Our modern facilities meet all Swiss safety standards, and we regularly update our health and security measures based on best practices. We also prioritize emotional wellbeing through our counseling services and maintain a healthy learning environment with excellent indoor air quality, ergonomic furniture, and spaces designed to support both active learning and quiet reflection. Our carefully planned nutrition program ensures students have access to balanced, healthy meals that cater to various dietary requirements and allergies.

Relação aluno-professor

6 : 1

Necessidades especiais


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Empowering children to face the complex challenges of their future.

At OBS, we create more than just a school – we build a vibrant community where both children and parents find their Swiss home. Our unique blend of Swiss and Anglo education creates an environment where Swiss and international families flourish together.

Your child will experience the best of both worlds: Swiss educational excellence and English-language learning. Our inquiry-based curriculum encourages critical thinking and creativity, while maintaining academic rigor. In our STEAMS program, students engage in hands-on projects that connect science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics. Regular field trips and outdoor learning take advantage of our beautiful Swiss surroundings.

Small, nurturing classes ensure personal attention, with expert teachers guiding students in both German and English. Our modern campus near Zurich features state-of-the-art science labs, a maker space for innovation, and dedicated arts facilities that inspire learning. Students benefit from our comprehensive outdoor sports program, including winter sports and swimming.

Parents become integral members of our diverse community through regular cultural events, coffee mornings, and networking opportunities. Our parent support program helps families navigate Swiss life together, from housing tips to cultural adaptation.

Our proven success speaks volumes – OBS students consistently enter prestigious universities worldwide, equipped with fluent bilingual skills and a global mindset. They graduate as confident, well-rounded individuals ready for future challenges. Join our international family, where your whole family’s transition to Switzerland becomes an enriching journey of growth and discovery.



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OBS / Obersee Bilingual School

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This contact form is for parents interested in applying their children to the school. For any job application please contact the school directly from their website.

This school doesn't offer scholarships, please only use this contact form if you are interested in applying your children without scholarship.

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