Paris Saint-Germain Academy Pro Greater Geneva
Paris Saint-Germain Academy Pro Greater Geneva
The Paris Saint-Germain Academy Pro Residency is designed to propel elite international players from talented to unstoppable. Immerse yourself in football 24/7 and follow a regimen that replicates the professional environment of Paris Saint-Germain in Paris.
Nestled between Lake Geneva and the French Alps, the fully secured state-of-the-art campus is ideally located for high-level football and outdoor...
Tipo de escola
Faixa etária
- de 12
- a 19 anos
Só rapazes
23 nacionalidades diferentes
Propinas anuais
- de 68000
Nr de estudantes
48 estudantes
Fundado em 2017
U.S. Department of Education - French Department of Education - Cambridge
American High School – IGCSE – Bachelor’s Degrees
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Extra curricular
Participants engage in a minimum of 20 hours of football training, development and competition per week. They participate in fun cultural activities and excursions over the week ends.
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Propinas e taxas
Quanto custa estudar na Paris Saint-Germain Academy Pro Greater Geneva?
- A propina desta escola varia entre 68000
- EUR por ano.
Coisas a saber
Fase de inscrição
7th - 12th grade and Bachelor's degree
Quantos alunos existem em Paris Saint-Germain Academy Pro Greater Geneva?
48 estudantes
- Existem 48
- alunos matriculados em Paris Saint-Germain Academy Pro Greater Geneva
- de 23 nacionalidades diferentes
Relação aluno-professor
1 : 5
★★★★★ 0.0/5
Com base em 0 revisões
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