Trinity College School

Internat - Szkoła dzienna
Ameryka północna, Ameryki, Kanada


TCS offers more than an education—it provides a dynamic boarding environment where students live, learn, and thrive together. Situated on a stunning 100-acre campus, day and boarding students benefit from a supportive and close-knit community that fosters personal growth, independence, and a lifelong sense of belonging. Our students are surrounded by caring faculty and staff who offer individualized guid...
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35 różne narodowości

Roczne czesne
Liczba uczniów

592 uczniowie


Założona w 1865 r.


CIS-Ontario, TABS, CAIS,


Trinity College School offers a broad and rigorous curriculum with the ability to concentrate studies in areas of personal interest. At TCS, education is collaborative, rich in discussion, and writing-intensive. We believe that learning is an active process that fosters habits of the heart and mind while challenging all students to communicate effectively and to think both critically and creatively.

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Program nauczania
Język wykładowy
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Zajęcia dodatkowe

Your child can get a fresh start and go as deep as they want, exploring, discovering, and focusing, with abundant options. Our variety of electives and co-curriculars offer your child opportunities to try something new and go deeper with what they may already love. Our faculty work with each student, using the right amount of challenge and encouragement to help each student realize what’s possible because at TCS students achieve great things when they feel supported.

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At Trinity College School 60% of our students choose the boarding experience. We believe the boarding experience allows for a superior education that strengthens the concept of community for the whole school. We have 6 boarding houses averaging 45 students in each house. The rooms range from single rooms to triple rooms with the majority being doubles. Each house is led by a team of both faculty and students. Our boarding environment is one that facilitates independence, friendship, support and structure.

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Czesne i opłaty

Ile kosztuje nauka w Trinity College School?

Dzień Studenci

Grades 5-8: $31,000 Grades 9-12: $41,500

Uczniowie z internatem

International Boarding Grades 9-12: $91,000 Canadian Families Boarding Incentive Program: $63,500 (Starting in Grade 9)Canadian Boarding Grades 10-12: $80,000

Dobrze wiedzieć

Faza zapisów

Grade 5 - 8 Day, Grade 9 - 12 Boarding and Day

Ilu jest tam uczniów Trinity College School?

592 studenci

Zdrowie i bezpieczeństwo

There is a nurse on-campus available 24hrs a day at our health center. There is also a local physician on-call. The local hospital is a 10 minute drive away. For sports-related injuries, we have a physical therapist on campus in our athletic therapy department. TCS provides health education to all students in order to foster an environment of healthy lifestyle. In addition to providing support for students' physical health, we foster an environment that prioritizes students' mental health. Confidential counseling is available with our social worker, multiple guidance counselors and school chaplain.

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TCS offers more than an education—it provides a dynamic boarding environment where students live, learn, and thrive together. Situated on a stunning 100-acre campus, day and boarding students benefit from a supportive and close-knit community that fosters personal growth, independence, and a lifelong sense of belonging. Our students are surrounded by caring faculty and staff who offer individualized guidance, ensuring they feel seen, valued, and supported every step of the way. This nurturing environment is complemented by state-of-the-art facilities, including modern classrooms, state-of-the-art athletic and arts spaces, and dedicated areas for collaborative and independent study. Living on campus provides unique opportunities to develop life skills, build meaningful relationships, and immerse fully in a diverse and inclusive community. With access to exceptional academics and a broad range of co-curricular activities, students are encouraged to explore their passions, develop resilience, and discover their true potential.



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Trinity College School

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This contact form is for parents interested in applying their children to the school. For any job application please contact the school directly from their website.

This school doesn't offer scholarships, please only use this contact form if you are interested in applying your children without scholarship.

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