AMADEUS International School Vienna

Internat - Szkoła dzienna
Austria, Europa, Wiedeń


AMADEUS International School Vienna to wyjątkowa szkoła IB World z internatem i zintegrowaną Akademią Muzyki i Sztuki. Edukacja w AMADEUS jest jednym z wyróżnień z misją towarzyszenia młodym ludziom w realizacji ich najwyższego potencjału. Różnorodność i integracja: Różnorodność i integracja znajdują odzwierciedlenie we wszystkim, co robimy w AMADEUS. Nasi uczniowie pochodzą z wielu różnych kultur. N...
Typ szkoły
Zakres wiekowy



50 różne narodowości

Roczne czesne
Liczba uczniów

310 uczniowie


Założona w 2012 r.


International Baccalaureate



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Early Years Centre - Grade 12

Ilu jest tam uczniów AMADEUS International School Vienna?

310 studenci

Stosunek liczby uczniów do liczby nauczycieli



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AMADEUS International School Vienna



AMADEUS International School Vienna is a unique day and first-class boarding IB World school with an integrated Music and Arts Academy. The AMADEUS education is one of Distinction with the mission of accompanying young people as they fulfil their highest potential.

Diversity & Inclusivity:
Diversity and inclusion are reflected in all that we do at AMADEUS. Our students come from many different cultures. Some children were born in one country, and raised in another, others have lived in multiple countries since birth, or are born to parents from two or more different countries. Some will have their extended family living just around the corner, while others jump around the globe to see their relatives during the holidays. Yet, regardless of their ethnicities and backgrounds, all students learn and coexist harmoniously within the same environment in our school. Our international teachers and staff members are also a big part of our school’s uniqueness. Our team comprises professionals from around the world. Together, we strive to create a vibrant and inspiring environment through which our students to learn, thrive, and grow into global citizens and leaders of tomorrow.

AMADEUS is an International Baccalaureate school, offering PYP, MYP, DP, and CP for students ages 6-18. AMADEUS also offers an Early Years Kindergarten Programme for ages 3-6. The school engages students in inquiry-based learning that addresses real-life challenges and cultivates critical- thinking, problem-solving, and presentation skills. AMADEUS’ community is distinguished by its internationalism representing over 50 different nationalities. To best teach the qualities of global citizenship, the school recruits outstanding educators from around the world. The school regularly outperforms the world average pass rates and diploma points and its alumni study in top universities around the globe.

Music and Arts Academy:
Music and Arts play a vital role in AMADEUS’ learning approach which is emphasised in their dynamic co-curricular arts programme. This includes various areas such as editorial design, music production, and musical theatre production. Students also have the opportunity to participate in the AMADEUS String Orchestra, various forms of dance, drawing, painting, and more. Along with the unique IB World School Programme, AMADEUS Vienna distinguishes itself from other international schools with an integrated Music and Arts Academy offering classes at Foundation, Advanced and Professional levels to further grow and nurture artists at all stages of growth. The Academy helps thrive through groups and personalised classes with distinguished instructors, practice, and performance opportunities. Finally, and uniquely, all students participate in the whole school choir.

Boarding at AMADEUS is possible for students in Grades 6-12. Our AMADEUS boarding provides students with a once in a lifetime educational experience. As the only international boarding school in Vienna, students from all around the world engage in a diverse environment that is inclusive, happy, and respectful of different cultures. A strong sense of community cultivates a supportive and caring environment while promoting a healthy lifestyle that emphasizes nutritious food, physical exercise, social activities and overall wellbeing. If boarding houses had star ratings, this one would have five.

Amadeus Festival Vienna:
Since 2021 the School started to celebrate the AMADEUS Festival Vienna with the participation of top-level national and international artists. Currently the festival is already a cultural benchmark in the city, and especially in the 18th district.

The location of the AMADEUS campus is just a short tram ride away from the city centre. Famous for its history, culture, and quality of life, Vienna is named ‘the World’s Most Liveable City’ by The Economist. Home to numerous universities and nearly a dozen international schools, Vienna is Austria’s hub of international education and learning.



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AMADEUS International School Vienna

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