King’s InterHigh
- od 7
- do 18 lat
100 różne narodowości
- od 2750
- do 6605
3000 uczniowie
Założona w 2005 r.
Pearson Edexcel, Cambridge International Examinations, AQA, IB Diploma Programme
Zajęcia dodatkowe
King’s InterHigh fosters a sense of school community and belonging beyond the confines and distractions sometimes present in a traditional educational setting. Students enjoy a range of clubs and assemblies, or socialising in the school’s own social platforms and common rooms. Students form part of house groups for competitions, team building and in-person community events, and have opportunities for personalised sessions with tutors to ensure appropriate support, guidance and wellbeing. Parents and mentors have 24-hour access to attendance data, reports and communications through the virtual learning platform.
Czesne i opłaty
Ile kosztuje nauka w King’s InterHigh?
- Czesne w tej szkole wynosi od 2750
- do 6605
- GBP rocznie.
Dobrze wiedzieć
Grades Year 3 – Year 13
Ilu jest tam uczniów King’s InterHigh?
3000 studenci
- Oni istnieją 3000
- zapisani studenci King’s InterHigh
- W 100 różne narodowości
20 : 1