The English School of Kyrenia

Scuola diurna
Cipro, Cipro settentrionale, Kyrenia


The English School of Kyrenia is a leading private school for boys and girls aged 2 to 18, in Cyprus, offering a British-style education in an international environment. ESK has been developed through close contact with organisations responsible for some of the leading independent schools in the UK. The result is a state-of-the-art centre for learning which provides students with an international standar...
Tipo di scuola
Fascia d'età



30 nazionalità diverse

Canone annuale
Numero di studenti

1250 studenti


Fondata nel 2008


Cambridge Assessment International Education, International Baccalaureate World School, Pearson Edexcel, The Society of Heads, The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award, Chartered Management Institute, IELTS.


Many schools deliver the British curriculum, but few enhance it! At ESK, we offer a fulfilling and diverse co-curriculum that goes beyond the UK National Curriculum. Our dynamic curriculum provides students with a wide range of subject options, allowing them to discover their talents and interests. Students follow both the British and International education systems and all our classes, except for modern foreign language subjects, are taught in English.

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Lingua di insegnamento
Lingue straniere insegnate


At The English School of Kyrenia, learning is not limited to classes. We believe it is vital for students to discover interests, hobbies, and opportunities beyond the traditional classroom setting. We offer a whole world of sports, drama, music and community outreach activities, encouraging students to discover their passion and potential, while also creating space for unparalleled learning experiences and character development. Our House System is a key aspect of student life at ESK. Students are allocated into one of four houses when they join us, and throughout the year, a variety of inter-house competitions take place. Students feel that they are part of a community—the ESK family.

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Sala da pranzo
Sala delle arti
Sala computer
Sala di musica
Studio di danza

Tasse scolastiche e contributi

Quanto costa studiare alla The English School of Kyrenia?

Cose da sapere

Fase di iscrizione

Ongoing Enrolment - Pre-Nursery (2-3 years old), Primary (3-11 years old), Secondary (11-16 years old), Sixth Form (16-18 years old)

Quanti studenti ci sono The English School of Kyrenia?

1250 studenti

Rapporto studenti-insegnanti

1 : 7

Esigenze speciali


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Esplora altre opzioni

Condividi questa scuola con la famiglia e gli amici




The English School of Kyrenia is a leading private school for boys and girls aged 2 to 18, in Cyprus, offering a British-style education in an international environment. ESK has been developed through close contact with organisations responsible for some of the leading independent schools in the UK. The result is a state-of-the-art centre for learning which provides students with an international standard of education, comparable with the best schools in the world. Many schools deliver a British curriculum, but few enhance it! At ESK, we offer a fulfilling and diverse academic programme, that goes beyond the UK National Curriculum, delivered in a forward-thinking, intellectually challenging and supportive environment. We proudly stand as the first school in Cyprus to offer both the International Baccalaureate and A-Levels.

As an international school, we aim to nurture bilingual students and share the common IB World School philosophy — a commitment to a high quality and challenging international education. ESK students are taught to ask questions, work together and explore education through an inquisitive and open mindset.

Equally important is our beautiful 8 acre, leafy campus, providing students with an abundance of opportunities to learn, explore and reach their highest potential. An enviable and spacious learning environment, the campus is set in the inspiring surroundings of the Kyrenia foothills, overlooking the Mediterranean to the front and the Kyrenia mountains to the rear. The campus consists of a Little Learners building (Pre-Nursery), Eco-Building (Nursery – Year 2) Main Building (Year 3 – 13) and state-of-the-art facilities, including our newly developed Sixth Form Centre. Academic excellence and personal development flourish through the halls of the school. Our students aim to succeed academically, in sport, in the creative arts and in many other programmes such as community outreach. Whether it’s performing on stage, experimenting in the science lab or learning a new world language, ESK students are eager to learn.

Far more than just a school, ESK is Family. A high-quality education, a multi-cultural, global outlook and a strong family ethos result in a truly warm, welcoming and nurturing environnment for all who are involved with the school.

The ESK Mission Statement:
The English School of Kyrenia endeavours to develop young people who are principled, inquiring and open-minded communicators with a lifelong love of learning. We aim to inspire students to serve as compassionate global citizens through our challenging international educational programme.

Core Values:
Respect, Integrity, Honesty, Justice, sincerity, Trust.


Sala da pranzo
Sala delle arti
Sala computer
Sala di musica
Studio di danza

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The English School of Kyrenia

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This contact form is for parents interested in applying their children to the school. For any job application please contact the school directly from their website.

This school doesn't offer scholarships, please only use this contact form if you are interested in applying your children without scholarship.

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