King’s InterHigh

Scuola online
Africa, Asia, Europa


La comunità scolastica online che ruota intorno a voi. Con oltre 16 anni di esperienza e più di 10.000 ex alunni, siamo la scuola online originale. King's InterHigh è una scuola online internazionale britannica indipendente. Offrendo corsi di istruzione primaria, secondaria e Sixth Form, ci rivolgiamo a studenti di età compresa tra i 7 e i 18 anni alla ricerca di un'istruzione britannica e internaz...
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146 nazionalità diverse

Canone annuale
Numero di studenti

6500 studenti


Fondata nel 2005




Pearson Edexcel, Cambridge International Examinations, AQA, IB Diploma Programme

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La King’s InterHigh promuove un senso di comunità scolastica e di appartenenza al di là dei confini e delle distrazioni talvolta presenti in un ambiente educativo tradizionale. Gli studenti possono usufruire di una serie di club e assemblee, oppure socializzare nelle piattaforme sociali e nelle sale comuni della scuola. Gli studenti fanno parte di gruppi di studio che partecipano a competizioni, team building ed eventi comunitari personali, e hanno la possibilità di partecipare a sessioni personalizzate con i tutor per garantire un sostegno, una guida e un benessere adeguati. I genitori e i tutor hanno accesso 24 ore su 24 ai dati di frequenza, ai rapporti e alle comunicazioni attraverso la piattaforma di apprendimento virtuale.

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Tasse scolastiche e contributi

Quanto costa studiare alla King’s InterHigh?

Cose da sapere

Fase di iscrizione

Grades Year 3 – Year 13

Quanti studenti ci sono King’s InterHigh?

6500 studenti

Rapporto studenti-insegnanti

20 : 1


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King’s InterHigh



The online school community that revolves around you.

With over 16 years of experience and more than 10,000 alumni, we are the original online school.

King’s InterHigh is an independent British international online school. Offering Primary, Secondary and Sixth Form education, we cater to students from age 7 – 18 who are looking for a high-quality British and international education, working towards International GCSEs, A Levels, or the IB Diploma Programme, delivered in a way that revolves around their needs and interests. All with the backing of Inspired, the world’s leading education group.

Considered the original online school and founded in 2005, King’s InterHigh offers easy access to quality live and recorded lessons from anywhere in the world. Lessons are designed and optimised for online and taught by fully qualified and experienced UK teachers. Combined with a proven educational model and innovative delivery, we bring life to lessons and increase students’ involvement in learning new concepts. With small classes, interactive lessons and lots happening outside the classroom, our school is designed to fit around our students’ lifestyle, providing them with an edge over traditional mainstream schooling.

The school is an extraordinary blend of 50 years of academic excellence of the King’s College Group and of InterHigh’s 15+ years of delivering unparalleled online education. With over 10,000 alumni and graduates progressing to fulfilling careers and to further studies in universities across the UK and internationally, King’s InterHigh is a global learning community.

Exam results are outstanding for a non-selective online school, with graduates going on to UK and international universities as well as fulfilling careers in many industries. In 2019, of the King’s InterHigh graduates who applied to university, 47% went to Russell Group Universities, with 10% studying Medicine or Aerospace Engineering. We bring over 40 years of excellence in the International Baccalaureate® through the Inspired group to deliver the world’s first fully online IB Diploma. Inspired learners regularly achieve high IB results year after year, with our highest-scoring school recording an average of 39 points in 2021.
King’s InterHigh students are also active in sports and the arts, with some of our students managing professional acting and athletic careers while attending school.

The school represents an immersive and personalised approach to learning, preparing students for the virtual global workplaces of the future. King’s InterHigh is part of the Inspired Education Group, with over 70 schools across five continents. Our students have the opportunity to enjoy on-campus experiences at some of the group’s premium boarding schools, and through summer camps and exchange programmes, they can connect with a global network of over 50,000 students worldwide, benefitting from a blend of both online and offline learning experiences. Extra-curricular events and experiences include the Model United Nations and Student Leadership Conference, a virtual event organised by a student committee. This forms part of King’s InterHigh’s rounded approach to developing 21st Century skills and building a virtual community between our students, alongside the academic experience of the school.

For a school that revolves around you, where every student’s unique potential is nurtured and fulfilled, visit the King’s InterHigh website to discover online study options or discuss admissions.



2 Recensioni

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King’s InterHigh

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