International School of Los Angeles
- da 2
- a 18 anni
65 nazionalità diverse
- da 19995
- a 24900
1032 studenti
Fondata nel 1978
National Association of Independent Schools, International Baccalaureate, California Association of Independent Schools, Western Association of Schools and Colleges, Ministère de l'Éducation Nationale, Mission laïque française, Agence pour l'enseignement français à l'étranger, College Board
Preschool (Harmonized Bilingual Program), Middle School (Bilingual Program), High School (Baccalauréat Français or International Baccalaureate Diploma)
LILA offers fun and educational after-school activities, classes, programs, and private music instruction while school is in session. By offering a wide range of after-school activities in various fields (arts, science, sports, theater and more) LILA allows students to explore their interests and passions in a fun, safe, and interactive environment.
Beyond after-school activities and private lessons, LILA also offers seasonal options during school breaks, vacations, and over the summertime.
LILA Lions are taught the fundamentals of athletic development, team spirit, and commitment. Our coaches dedicate themselves to the mission of providing athletic opportunities to a wide range of students and an environment in which all student-athletes can achieve their academic and competitive goals.
Campo da tennis
Campo da calcio
Campo da basket
Campo da pallavolo
Sala delle arti
Sala computer
Sala di musica
Pista da corsa
Studio di danza
Sala delle scienze
Tasse scolastiche e contributi
Quanto costa studiare alla International School of Los Angeles?
- La retta di questa scuola varia da 19995
- a 24900
- USD all'anno.
Cose da sapere
Preschool – 12th Grade
Quanti studenti ci sono International School of Los Angeles?
1032 studenti
- Loro esistono 1032
- studenti iscritti a International School of Los Angeles
- In 65 nazionalità diverse
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