Dwight Global Online School
- a 39900
423 studenti
Fondata nel 1872
For nearly 150 years, Dwight School has been dedicated to igniting the spark of genius in every child through highly personalized learning, community engagement, and global vision. Dwight Global is the 21st-century extension of this unique educational philosophy, bonding students’ passions and academics in a highly supported flexible learning environment.
With live online seminars, Oxford-style tutorials, programs in residence on Dwight campuses, and a college-style schedule, students in grades 6-12 experience the intimacy of an independent school coupled with the freedom to pursue their passions.
While students can attend our cloud-based school from anywhere, they can also study at any one of Dwight’s campuses in New York, London, Seoul, Shanghai, and Dubai. There is no better way to see the world while pursuing a high school diploma.
Dwight Global students must meet the same exacting standards of Dwight School in New York. Students may align their academic paths with the International Baccalaureate, Advanced Placement, or customize their own personal course of study.
College guidance starts in grade nine at Dwight Global. Harvard, Yale, Stanford, Princeton, Duke, USC, Vassar, Tufts, and Tulane are among Dwight Global’s recent college acceptances.
At Dwight Global, we are committed to providing all students with the opportunity to fully realize their sparks of genius. Often this involves finding activities that fall at the intersection of formal study and co-curricular or extracurricular activities. At other times, students may have interests that fall completely outside what they normally do. Clubs and organized activities provide an ideal way for students to pursue these interests.
At Dwight Global, courses are scheduled Monday through Thursday. Fridays are reserved for clubs and extracurricular activities. In addition to teaching courses, instructors lead clubs around topics of their personal interests. Moreover, any student can form a club on any topic provided there is sufficient interest among other students and they find a faculty sponsor. Some clubs include: Yearbook, Global Citizens Model UN, National Honors Society, National Junior Honors Society, Computer Coding Competition Club, WISER, and Spark Tank.
Perhaps one of the most beloved traditions at Dwight Global is the House System. Adapted from the British system, students are assigned a House upon enrollment. Dwight Global has 4 houses: Blue, Yellow, Red, and Green. Every year, the 4 Houses compete in a series of competitions for the coveted House Cup. These competitions include, but are not limited to: Debate-A-Thons, Spirit Week, Lip Sync Competitions, and many more. While students at Dwight Global take pride in their competitive spirits, the Houses also serve as a vehicle for social-emotional learning and a form of support.
Tasse scolastiche e contributi
Quanto costa studiare alla Dwight Global Online School?
- a 39900
- USD all'anno.
Cose da sapere
Grades 6th-12th
Quanti studenti ci sono Dwight Global Online School?
423 studenti
We are an online school with hybrid options. When students visit one of our campuses, they have access to an on-campus healthcare provider. Students also have access to a certified school psychologist, who can work with students and families individually, work with outside health practitioners, or make referrals to external physicians.
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