International British Online School (iBOS)

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Scuola internazionale britannica online (iBOS), Londra L'iBOS ridefinisce l'istruzione online offrendo un'esperienza scolastica tradizionale britannica attraverso una scuola pienamente accreditata e riconosciuta a livello mondiale dal DfE attraverso l'OFSTED e dal Council if International Schools (CIS). Essendo l'unica scuola online completamente accreditata, le nostre relazioni accademiche sono accet...
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35 nazionalità diverse

Canone annuale
Numero di studenti

112 studenti


Fondata nel 2018


Department for Education in the UK (DfE) through OFSTED, Coucncil of International Schools (CIS)


Panoramica del curriculum iBOS

L’International British Online School (iBOS) offre un programma di studi britannico completo, progettato per fornire un’istruzione rigorosa e completa dalla scuola primaria alla sesta classe. Il nostro programma di studi è strutturato in modo da favorire l’eccellenza accademica, la crescita personale e la cittadinanza globale.

Curriculum primario (Fasi chiave 1 e 2):
Il nostro programma primario si concentra sulla costruzione di solide basi in inglese, matematica, scienze e materie umanistiche, oltre a materie creative come arte, musica ed educazione fisica. Poniamo l’accento sul pensiero critico, sull’alfabetizzazione e sulle capacità di calcolo, promuovendo al contempo la curiosità e l’amore per l’apprendimento.

Curriculum secondario (Fasi chiave 3 e 4):
Nell’istruzione secondaria, gli studenti sono impegnati in un’ampia gamma di materie, tra cui lingua e letteratura inglese, matematica, scienze (biologia, chimica, fisica), materie umanistiche (storia, geografia) e lingue (francese, spagnolo). Il curriculum è arricchito da TIC, arte, musica ed educazione fisica.

Nella fase 4, gli studenti si preparano per gli esami GCSE (International GCSE), scegliendo tra un’ampia gamma di materie per adattare il loro apprendimento ai loro interessi e alle loro aspirazioni di carriera. Supportiamo tutti i nostri studenti con l’iscrizione agli esami e ospitiamo un centro d’esame.

Sixth Form (Key Stage 5):
Il nostro Sixth Form offre gli International A Levels (iALs), riconosciuti a livello mondiale per l’accesso all’università. Gli studenti possono scegliere tra una vasta gamma di materie, tra cui scienze, matematica, inglese, scienze umane, lingue e studi commerciali.

Sosteniamo gli studenti con piani di apprendimento personalizzati, incentrati sulla preparazione all’università (UCAS), sugli esami di ammissione a Oxbridge e a Medicina (UCAT), sul pensiero critico e sulle capacità di ricerca indipendente. Il nostro Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) incoraggia gli studenti ad approfondire gli argomenti, migliorando ulteriormente il loro portfolio accademico. Disponiamo anche di un programma di carriera e di apprendimento professionale su misura.

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Lingua di insegnamento
Lingue straniere insegnate


Arricchimento e attività extrascolastiche:
Oltre agli studi, l’iBOS offre un ricco programma di attività extracurriculari, tra cui club, sport e musica, che promuovono talenti e interessi. Il nostro approccio olistico garantisce agli studenti lo sviluppo della leadership, del lavoro di squadra e della resilienza personale.
Grazie all’esclusivo insegnamento online, iBOS combina la flessibilità dell’apprendimento a distanza con il rigore della tradizionale istruzione privata britannica, preparando gli studenti al successo accademico e alle opportunità globali.

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Tasse scolastiche e contributi

Quanto costa studiare alla International British Online School (iBOS)?

Studenti giornalieri

iBOS Payment Structure and Associated FeesAt the International British Online School (iBOS), we are committed to providing high-quality education with transparent and competitive pricing. Below is a detailed breakdown of our payment structure and associated fees for day students, along with information on scholarships and financial assistance.Payment Structure:1. Enrolment Fee: - £995(one-time, non-refundable) This fee covers the administrative costs of processing applications and securing a place for your child.2. Tuition Fees: Tuition fees are divided into three categories based on the Key Stage your child is enrolled in. Please visit our website for the full detail. 3. Examination Fees: - Examination fees for iGCSE and iAL are charged separately and depend on the number and type of exams taken. On average, these range from £100 to £250 per subject.Scholarships and Financial Assistance:1. Merit-Based Scholarships: iBOS offers up to 20% tuition fee reduction for students who demonstrate exceptional academic, artistic, or athletic talent. Scholarships are awarded based on prior achievements, examination performance, and contributions to the school community.2. Financial Assistance Program: We believe that financial constraints should not hinder access to high-quality education. Our Financial Assistance Program provides support to families who may struggle to afford full tuition fees. Assistance can range from 5% to 20% fee reduction, depending on financial need and family circumstances. Applicants are required to submit financial documents for review.3. Sibling Discount: Families enrolling more than one child at iBOS benefit from a **10% discount on the third and subsequent children's tuition fees.4. Early Payment Discount: An early payment discount of 8% is available for parents who pay the full year’s tuition in advance by the specified deadline.Payment Methods:We accept payments via: - Bank transfer - Debit/credit cards - Direct debit for monthly instalmentsFor any queries related to the payment structure, scholarships, or financial assistance, please contact our Admissions Office. We are committed to making high-quality education accessible and are happy to discuss personalised financial plans to suit your needs.

Cose da sapere

Fase di iscrizione

Throughout the academic year.

Quanti studenti ci sono International British Online School (iBOS)?

112 studenti

Rapporto studenti-insegnanti

1 to 15

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International British Online School (iBOS), London

At iBOS, we redefine online education by delivering a traditional British school experience through a fully accredited and globally recognised school by DfE through OFSTED and the Council if International Schools (CIS). As the only fully accredited online school, our academic reports are accepted by ministries of education worldwide, ensuring a seamless transition for students across borders.

Outstanding Academic Excellence:
iBOS consistently ranks in the top 5 percentile of UK schools, a testament to our commitment to academic rigour. Our students achieve exceptional exam results and secure places at prestigious universities, including Russell Group and Ivy League institutions.

World-Class Educators:
Our teachers are based on campus (not contractors working as tutors teaching from home), providing a structured and immersive learning environment. Most hold PhDs and are award-winning educators with extensive experience in the UK. Their dedication and expertise foster a culture of excellence, inspiring students to reach their full potential.

Holistic Student Achievements:
Beyond academics, iBOS nurtures well-rounded individuals. Our students have earned accolades, including the British Education Awards, and excel as leading figures in sports and music, showcasing the breadth of talent and opportunity at iBOS.

At iBOS, we are proud to offer a unique and unparalleled education that prepares students not just for exams, but for life. Join us to be part of a globally connected, academically ambitious, and supportive learning community.



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International British Online School (iBOS)

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This contact form is for parents interested in applying their children to the school. For any job application please contact the school directly from their website.

This school doesn't offer scholarships, please only use this contact form if you are interested in applying your children without scholarship.

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