Aoba Global Campus

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Scuola online
Asia, Asia orientale, Giappone


L'Aoba Global Campus, che fa parte dell'Aoba-Japan International School di Tokyo, è il nostro pionieristico campus online attraverso il quale offriamo il Programma di Diploma IB Online (IBDP) agli studenti che si trovano in Giappone e in tutta la regione Asia-Pacifico. Essendo una delle sole 7 scuole IB in tutto il mondo accreditate per l'erogazione dell'IBDP online, accogliamo gli studenti che hanno com...
Tipo di scuola
Fascia d'età



46 nazionalità diverse

Canone annuale
Numero di studenti

790 studenti


Fondata nel 1976


IBO Accredited, New England Council of Schools & Colleges, Council of International Schools


L’IBDP è un programma rigoroso, a tempo pieno, della durata di due anni, che culmina in un diploma riconosciuto a livello mondiale e accettato dalle università. Il programma consiste in tre corsi “fondamentali” e 6 gruppi di materie. Oltre a questi requisiti accademici fondamentali, l’IBDP online di Aoba offre un supporto olistico agli studenti, attività extracurricolari e di arricchimento e una vivace comunità scolastica in cui gli studenti possono entrare in contatto tra loro coltivando amicizie che durano tutta la vita.

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Lingua di insegnamento
Lingue straniere insegnate


Oltre al Programma di Diploma IB online (IBDP), Aoba Global Campus offre un’accattivante selezione di programmi doposcuola (ASP) online opzionali in materie come Web Design, Scrittura Creativa, Lingua Giapponese e altre ancora. Gli ASP di Aoba Global Campus sono basati su progetti e vengono svolti attraverso sessioni virtuali dal vivo in un ambiente divertente e sociale con altri studenti, culminando in micro credenziali e artefatti di portfolio che gli studenti possono aggiungere ai loro CV accademici e professionali.

Con sede a Tokyo, in Giappone, la capitale metropolitana più vivace dell’Asia, Aoba Global Campus offre agli studenti la possibilità di partecipare a programmi di studio all’estero di breve durata. Gli studenti hanno l’opportunità di incontrare e rafforzare le amicizie con i loro compagni di classe online, mentre si immergono nell’arricchimento della lingua e della cultura giapponese e sperimentano tutto ciò che Tokyo e il Giappone hanno da offrire.

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Tasse scolastiche e contributi

Quanto costa studiare alla Aoba Global Campus?

Cose da sapere

Fase di iscrizione

The enrollment Period is officially open between October and December 2024, though we can accept applications throughout the year through to mid late June 2025.

Quanti studenti ci sono Aoba Global Campus?

790 studenti

Salute e sicurezza

The physical and psychological health and safety of our online students is of critical importance; and is something that is often overlooked by other online K12 programs. For this reason Aoba Global Campus programs incorporate a unique strand of curriculum specific to Physical Health and Wellbeing. Flexibly designed to accommodate the unique physical abilities, circumstances, and personal interests of our students, Aoba’s Physical Health and Wellbeing curriculum ensures that students gain the knowledge and skills required to lead physically active and balanced lives and dedicate time to physical activity throughout the course of their studies.

In addition to physical health, students enrolled in Aoba Global Campus full time programs are able to receive one on one support from specialised counseling staff. Aoba’s counseling staff hold advanced qualifications in psychology, behavioural development and other areas and are here to ensure that students thrive not only academically, but also socially and emotionally in order to graduate as well rounded and healthy young adults.

Monitoring and maintaining Aoba Global Campus’ overarching policies and approaches to student protection is the school’s Child Protection Officer, ensuring compliance with relevant child protection rules and regulations and cultivating a safe and secure learning environment.

Finally, all Aoba faculty and staff, whether online or in-person, have been vetted through a thorough background check conducted by a specialised 3rd party, ensuring their eligibility to work with children of all ages and providing peace of mind to our families and students.

This “whole student” approach to health and safety is what makes Aoba Global Campus one of the world’s best online communities for K12 students not only to study, but to truly thrive and achieve their full potential with full support.

Rapporto studenti-insegnanti



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Aoba Global Campus



Aoba Global Campus, part of Aoba-Japan International School in Tokyo, is our pioneering online campus through which we deliver the Online IB Diploma Programme (IBDP) to students located in Japan and throughout the Asia Pacific region. As one of only 7 IB schools worldwide that is accredited to deliver the Online IBDP, we welcome students who have completed grade 10, have high school level English ability and importantly, are based within 3  hours of Japan’s timezone, either to the east or west.

Students that are based within 3 hours of Japan in the Asia Pacific are eligible to apply:


Australia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, Cambodia, China, Fiji, Indonesia, Japan, Laos, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nauru, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Russia (Eastern), Taiwan, Thailand, Tuvalu, Singapore, Soloman Islands, South Korea, Vanuatu, Vietnam.



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Aoba Global Campus

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This contact form is for parents interested in applying their children to the school. For any job application please contact the school directly from their website.

This school doesn't offer scholarships, please only use this contact form if you are interested in applying your children without scholarship.

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