Regents International School Pattaya


Regents International School Pattaya
About Our School
Regents International School Pattaya is like no other school in Thailand. As part of the family of 66 Nord Anglia schools located around the world, we provide unique learning opportunities far beyond the ordinary. We are an exciting, vibrant and inclusive school which has something to offer to every child and every family in our dynamic and diverse community.
We are ambitious for our s...
Type d'école
Tranche d'âge
- de 2
- à 18 ans
Éducation mixte
53 différentes nationalités
Frais de scolarité
- De 133200
- à 680675
Nbre d'étudiants
1000 étudiants
Founded in 1994
Based on the English National Curriculum, International Primary Curriculum (IPC), IGCSE Year 10 and 11, IBDP Year 12 and 13
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Activités extrascolaires
Our world class facilities ensure your child can enjoy over 200 sport, cultural, musical, technical and community-based activities
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Frais de scolarité annuels
Combien coûtent les études à Regents International School Pattaya?
- Les frais de scolarité de cette école varient de 133200
- à 680675
- THB par an.
Bon à savoir
Phase d'inscription
Pre-Nursery, Nursery, Reception, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6, Year 7, Year 8, Year 9, Year 10, Year 11, Year 12, Year 13
Combien y a-t-il d'étudiants Regents International School Pattaya?
1000 étudiants
- Ils existent 1000
- les étudiants inscrits à Regents International School Pattaya
- dans 53 différentes nationalités
Nombre d'élèves par enseignant
1 : 17
★★★★★ 5/5
Basé sur 4 commentaires
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