International School of Uganda
- de 2
- à 19 ans
Éducation mixte
50 différentes nationalités
- De 6200
- à 32000
530 étudiants
Founded in 1967
Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools (MSA) in the United States, The Council of International Schools (CIS), Next Frontier Inclusion
ISU teachers use the best research-based teaching methods centered on a dynamic international curriculum that meets a global standard for the best education available, the widely acclaimed and highly respected International Baccalaureate (IB) Programmes. In the Junior School, Early Childhood to grade 5, the curriculum is based on the IB Primary Years Programme (PYP). While providing a strong foundation in all subject areas, the programme focuses on the social, physical, emotional and cultural development of the child. It provides structured inquiry as a vehicle for learning which is carried forward in the other two IB programmes. In the Senior School, the IB Middle Years Programme (MYP) forms the core of ISU’s educational focus for students in grades 6 to 10. The inter-disciplinary approach to learning develops students’ critical thinking abilities and communication skills and offers an academically challenging and stimulating programme of study. In grades 11 and 12 students follow the IB Diploma Programme (DP). Considered the leading edge of secondary education today and the “gold standard” of high school diplomas, this programme of study allows students to expand their horizons and challenge their abilities. ISU has a specialist centre for teaching English as an Additional Languages (EAL) and a Learning Support (LS) Centre for those students with special needs and who are gifted and talented. Both centres serve students of all ages. Through our Sports and Activities Programme students build self-esteem, become motivated learners, practice time management skills, form many friendships and gain a greater identity with our school.
Activités extrascolaires
We offer competitive and non-competitive individual and team sporting opportunities, special events, extracurricular activities and service-learning opportunities.
Sports include:
Swimming, Track & Field, Basketball, Volleyball, Tennis, Cross Country, Golf, Rugby, Football,.
Other extracurricular activites include:
Drama, Choir & Band, STEM
ISU provides a wide range of activities in which our students may participate. Our school activities are designed to give our students the opportunity to develop new interests, refine their skills, excel in areas they are most passionate about and give back to the community.
The After School Activities (ASA) programme offers, each season, an internationally assembled catalogue of 15+ rich and diverse activities a day from Music to Drama, Rugby to Capoeira, Cultural Activities to Life Skills.
In Junior School the ASA programme main focus is on play, growth and development based fine motor skills, social skills, nurturing talent and interest-based.
In Senior School the main focus is on building on talent, interests, service and action, life skills, university preparation and Creativity, Activity, Services (CAS).
Salle de classe
Court de tennis
Terrain de football
Terrain de basketball
Terrain de volleyball
Salle d'art
Salle de sport
Salle informatique
Salle de musique
Parcours de golf
Piste de course
Studio de danse
Salle de sciences
Frais de scolarité annuels
Combien coûtent les études à International School of Uganda?
- Les frais de scolarité de cette école varient de 6200
- à 32000
- USD par an.
Bon à savoir
Playgroup to Grade 12
Combien y a-t-il d'étudiants International School of Uganda?
530 étudiants
- Ils existent 530
- les étudiants inscrits à International School of Uganda
- dans 50 différentes nationalités