CIPEC International School
- de 2
- à 10 ans
Éducation mixte
37 différentes nationalités
- De 10990
- à 12490
180 étudiants
Founded in 1984
Activités extrascolaires
Smart Wednesday is for children in kindergarten through primary school, whether or not they are enrolled at CIPEC. Supervised by the school’s sports team and featuring participation from CIPEC’s bilingual teachers for afternoon lessons, this day focuses on reinforcing primary school learning while also providing opportunities for fun and exploration through recreational and sports activities
Frais de scolarité annuels
Combien coûtent les études à CIPEC International School?
- Les frais de scolarité de cette école varient de 10990
- à 12490
- EUR par an.
We do not charge admission or registration fees. Canteen, snacks, books, notebooks, school photos and T-shirts are all included in the price. Not included in the price are additional options e.g. morning childcare, tutoring, Smart Playtime, Smart Wednesday, 3rd language options.
Bon à savoir
Enrollment is subject to availability.
Combien y a-t-il d'étudiants CIPEC International School?
180 étudiants
- Ils existent 180
- les étudiants inscrits à CIPEC International School
- dans 37 différentes nationalités