British International School Colombia

École de jour
Amérique du Sud, Amériques, Atlántico


La British International School (BIS) de Barranquilla, en Colombie, est un établissement trilingue et un fier membre d'Inspired Education, le premier réseau mondial d'écoles. Avec plus de 43 ans d'excellence académique, BIS propose le Programme du diplôme de l'IB et un programme holistique mettant l'accent sur le bien-être, les arts du spectacle et les sports. Ses installations modernes, sa perspective m...
Type d'école
Tranche d'âge

Éducation mixte


6 différentes nationalités

Frais de scolarité
Nbre d'étudiants

1012 étudiants


Founded in 1981


IB School, Phrancophone Seal, Character Counts Program


La British International School (BIS) propose un programme d’études rigoureux et mondialement reconnu qui prépare les élèves à la réussite scolaire et professionnelle. En tant qu’école du monde de l’IB, BIS propose le Programme de premier cycle secondaire de l’IB (PPCS) et le Programme du diplôme de l’IB, qui encouragent la pensée critique, les compétences en matière de recherche et la citoyenneté mondiale. L’école est divisée en trois sections : petite enfance, primaire et secondaire, ce qui garantit un parcours éducatif sans faille. Son approche trilingue (anglais, espagnol et français) renforce les compétences linguistiques, tandis que les programmes d’échanges internationaux proposés par Inspired Education Group élargissent les perspectives mondiales des élèves. En mettant l’accent sur le bien-être et le leadership, BIS prépare les élèves à s’épanouir dans un monde en constante évolution.

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Langue d'enseignement
Langues étrangères enseignées

Activités extrascolaires

La British International School (BIS) propose un programme extrascolaire varié conçu pour aider les élèves à explorer leurs talents, leurs compétences et leurs aptitudes dès leur plus jeune âge. L’école propose un large éventail d’activités dans les domaines des arts, des sports, de l’artisanat, de l’écriture et de la technologie, offrant ainsi des possibilités de développement personnel et d’expression créative. Grâce à ces programmes, les élèves développent des compétences essentielles, des aptitudes au travail en équipe et au leadership, favorisant ainsi une éducation bien équilibrée. BIS encourage les élèves à poursuivre leurs passions au-delà de la salle de classe, promouvant ainsi une expérience scolaire équilibrée et enrichissante.

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Frais de scolarité annuels

Combien coûtent les études à British International School Colombia?

Bon à savoir

Phase d'inscription

The British International School has a structured and personalized admissions process designed to guide families through each stage efficiently and transparently.Admissions Process at BISThe enrollment process begins with an initial inquiry, where families receive detailed information about the school's academic programs, facilities, and philosophy. This is followed by a campus visit and an interview to assess the student’s academic background, interests, and compatibility with BIS’s educational approach.Applicants undergo an evaluation process, which varies depending on the student's grade level. Once accepted, families receive an official offer of admission, and the final step involves completing the enrollment process, including required documentation and fee payments.BIS ensures a smooth transition for new students, offering support to both parents and children as they become part of the school community. The admissions team remains available to assist families at every stage, reinforcing BIS’s commitment to providing an exceptional educational experience.

Combien y a-t-il d'étudiants British International School Colombia?

1012 étudiants

Santé et sécurité

The British International School is committed to ensuring the safety, health, and well-being of its entire community through rigorous protocols and specialized services.Safety & HealthThe school maintains a secure environment with a highly trained security team and well-established protocols. Access control measures, continuous monitoring, and emergency response plans are in place to protect students, staff, and visitors. Additionally, a fully equipped nursing service is available throughout the school day, providing first aid, medical assistance, and health monitoring to ensure student well-being.Dining ServicesThe school cafeteria offers a well-balanced and nutritious meal program, meeting high standards of food safety and quality. The menu is designed to promote healthy eating habits with diverse and carefully curated meals. Special dietary needs and allergies are considered to provide safe and suitable meal options for all students.

Nombre d'élèves par enseignant

In Early Years, each class has two teachers: a head teacher and a teaching assistant, ensuring personalized attention. The average class size is 22 students. In Primary School, the teaching structure varies by grade: Years 3 and 4: Each class has a head teacher and a teaching assistant. Year 5: Each class has a head teacher, and there is one general assistant supporting all three classes. Years 6 and 7: Each class is led by a single teacher per subject. In Secondary School, the average class size is 25 students, and each subject is taught by a specialized teacher. This structure ensures a balanced learning environment, fostering both academic excellence and individualized support.

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British International School (BIS) in Barranquilla, Colombia, is a trilingual institution and a proud member of Inspired Education, the world’s leading global school network. With over 43 years of academic excellence, BIS offers the IB Diploma Programme and a holistic curriculum emphasizing well-being, performing arts, and sports. Its modern facilities, global perspective, strong values, and commitment to character development make it a top choice for families seeking world-class education in Colombia.



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British International School Colombia


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This contact form is for parents interested in applying their children to the school. For any job application please contact the school directly from their website.

This school doesn't offer scholarships, please only use this contact form if you are interested in applying your children without scholarship.

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