Dwight School

Amerika, New York, New York Stadt


Dwight wurde 1872 gegründet und ist eine international renommierte, unabhängige Schule (Kindergarten bis Klasse 12), die sich der Ausbildung der nächsten Generation innovativer, weltweit führender Persönlichkeiten verschrieben hat - ein Schüler nach dem anderen. Wir sind bestrebt, für jeden Schüler einen persönlichen Weg zu finden, der auf seinen individuellen Interessen und Leidenschaften basiert. Wir n...
Typ der Schule


Jährliches Schulgeld
Anzahl der Studenten

853 estudantes


Gegründet in 1872


International Baccalaureate World School, IB World School Continuum, Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools, European Council of International Schools, World Academy of Sport


International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program, Middle Years Program, and Diploma Program

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Sprache des Unterrichts
Unterrichtete Fremdsprachen

Außerschulischer Unterricht

Dwight verfügt über ein umfangreiches Angebot an außerschulischen Aktivitäten von der Vorschule bis zur 12. Klasse, um das Lernen zu vertiefen und die Genialität der Schüler zu wecken: Clubs, Aktivitäten, Musikkonservatorium und Sportteams, die Meisterschaften gewinnen.

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Schulgeld pro Jahr

Wie viel kostet ein Studium an der Dwight School?



Preschool, Kindergarten, Grades 1-12

Wie viele Studenten gibt es Dwight School?

853 Studenten


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Founded in 1872, Dwight is an internationally renowned independent school (nursery-grade 12) committed to educating the next generation of innovative global leaders ― one student at a time. We’re dedicated to crafting a personalized journey for every student based on individual interests and passions. We call this igniting the “spark of genius” in every child.
This unique educational philosophy has set Dwight apart. Personalized learning, together with community and global vision, are the three pillars upon which a Dwight world-class education rests.

One of New York City’s oldest independent schools, Dwight is proud of its rich traditions, illustrious alumni, and numerous advances in education. Yet it is our present and future that is most exciting because innovation is part of our DNA. Dwight is a frontier IB World School, was the first in the Americas to offer all four International Baccalaureate programs for children from ages 2-18, and is a pioneer in launching a student incubator empowering young entrepreneurs to bring their own ideas to market through our Spark Tank program.

Dwight’s inspiring faculty ― master teachers from all corners of the globe ― encourage students to believe in their own talents, follow their hearts, and take intellectual risks through the International Baccalaureate. No two student journeys are the same. Offering one of the lowest student-faculty ratios among independent schools in New York City, Dwight provides one-on-one attention and ample opportunities for students to excel within and beyond the classroom. These include extensive language, design, and technology instruction; rich visual and performing arts programs; championship-winning athletic teams; countless extracurriculars; and global leadership training.

Dwight has been an accredited IB World School since 1980, and no other curriculum fits better with Dwight’s vision of educating critical thinkers and innovative global leaders poised to succeed in today’s rapidly changing global marketplace. The academic breadth and depth of the IB are unparalleled, which is why it is recognized worldwide as the “gold standard” preparation for college and university.

Dwight’s college counseling team provides expertise and guidance for students beginning early in grade 9. Our graduates attend top institutions of higher learning, including Harvard, Yale, Princeton, MIT, Stanford, Columbia, Dartmouth, Cornell, McGill, Oxford, and the University of Edinburgh, among others. Upon graduation, they join a vibrant Dwight alumni network that stretches across continents.
With a global network of Dwight Schools in New York, London, Seoul, Shanghai, Dubai, and in the cloud with Dwight Global Online School ― ranked the #2 best online high school in the U.S. by Newsweek ― students have numerous opportunities to travel, and participate in cross-campus cultural and curricular exchange programs beginning in grade 5. These shared, enriching experiences prepare them for a future on the global stage, and the connections they forge with their peers will last a lifetime. The world is literally at their feet ― and we couldn’t be more delighted to offer our students an international passport to learning.

Dwight is a family school. Chancellor Stephen Spahn is distinguished as a pioneer in global education and the longest-serving head of an independent school in the U.S. His son, Blake Spahn, is Vice Chancellor and together with Head of School Dianne Drew, they spearhead the personalized educational journeys of thousands of Dwight students in New York and across the globe.



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