- 从8888
- 到17551
IB Continuum, NEASC, MEP
它还获得了新英格兰学校和学院协会(NEASC)的认证,并通过了哥斯达黎加教育部的认证。根据哥斯达黎加的国情和文化,学生毕业时可获得 IB 文凭、美国高中文凭和哥斯达黎加高中毕业证书。
在 Pan-American School学习的费用是多少?
- 该校每年的学费从8888
- 到17551
- USD.
里面有多少名学生 Pan-American School?
525 学生
- 他们存在 525
- 学生就读于 Pan-American School
- 在 43 不同国籍
Full time campus doctor. 8-member Learning Support team, including 4 qualified psychologists, to support the social and emotional well-being of all our students. Private ambulance service for emergency coverage. Dedicated security team 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Bus services provide door-to-door service for families. Strict campus entry procedures, and verification procedures for end-of-day pickup. 24-hour external security contractors who provide armed response units. Regular external security patrols by the US Embassy security teams, and private security contractors. Radio contact with the US Embassy and private security contractors. Regular emergency drills and training in first aid responses, earthquake, evacuation, active shooter, etc 2 defibrillators on campus, with staff trained in their usage. Security Committee which meets and reviews emergency protocols, practices, and procedures. Backup generators. Lightning protection covers all areas of the campus and some of the surrounding residential areas. Extensive protocols and programs are in place for areas such as head injury, Child Protection, Safe Recruitment, Bullying, Health and Wellbeing, etc. Regular training by internal and external experts in areas related to health and safety, emergency procedures, etc.
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